


    毕业论文关键词  :后驱动桥  大链轮  轮毂  校核

    Title    The Design of the Rear Axle of FSAE Racing Car   

    Abstract This specification mainly introduces the design of rear axle in the FSAE. Firstly, the paper presents the design significance and research status.  Secondly, the scheme comparison analysis and selection are taken on the key components. Of all the analysises,include the bought-in components such as the big chain wheel, chain, differential, cage and the self-made parts such as the differential carrier, lug, axle, wheel hub. For purchased parts, the purchased principle and the part version are made on the basis of calculation. For self-made parts, take the calculation according to the principle of ensuring the strength, reducing the quality, achieving the optimal.

    Then take advantage of CATIA to draw the 3D view of all the parts. For the key components, take the strength check analysis. Especially for the self-made parts, carry on the finite element analysis under different working conditions.So as to realize the optimization. Finally take the use of CAD to draw the engineering drawings the main parts, to ensure that the design can meet the practical requirements of parts.

    Keywords  : Rear drive axle, big chain wheel, wheel hub, check

    目 录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究背景 1

    1.2 课题研究现状 1

    1.3 本课题的主要研究内容 1

    1.4 驱动形式 2

    1.5 主要参数 2

    1.5.1 质量参数 2

    1.5.2 轴距 2

    1.5.3 轮距 2

    1.5.4 轮胎半径 2

    2 后驱动桥传动部分的设计 2

    2.1大链轮和链条的设计计算 2

    2.1.1 赛车传动系的功用 2

    2.1.2已知条件 2

    2.1.3设计计算 3

    2.1.4总结 5

    2.2法兰盘的设计计算 5

    2.2.1 法兰盘的作用 5

    2.2.2设计 5

    2.2.3法兰盘受力计算 6

    2.2.4法兰盘有限元分析 6

    3 后驱动桥差速器部分的设计计算 8

    3.1 差速器及差速器壳体 8

    3.1.1 差速器的作用 8

    3.1.2 差速器壳的作用

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