



    关键词  箝制器  油压  直线导轨副   


    Title    The Design and Analysis of the Hydraulic Clamp for   Linear Guide                      

    Abstract With the social progress and improvement of living needs, people have an increasingly demand for production efficiency, and machining also towards the development of high-speed high-precision, machine tools often under heavy load conditions when processing , which leads to the following problems: the weight of the workpiece is increasing and it needs to hover in the vertical direction when processing, which is prone to falling when power failure by the accident and thus leads to an injured accident; when the cutting force is large,the working table should be kept smoothly, so as to achieve the requirements of the machining accuracy. So the braking capability of the linear rolling guide should be solved quickly.

    In this paper, on the base of summarizing and analyzing the clamping products that have already existed in the market, through the study on the structure of linear guides and brake principle, a new clamping element which used in the linear rolling guide is presented and developed. According to the product technical specifications and performance requirements and calculated on the basis of the full theory, using SolidWorks to complete the three-dimensional modeling and Adams kinematics and dynamics simulation analysis proved the superiority of the new type of the clamping element.

    According to the characteristics of the hydraulic drive and through the analysis of its working principle and design calculations, given the hydraulic circuit the product required for. In addition, in order to test the specific technical requirements, the appropriate testing programs and methods are also given.

    Keywords  Clamping element  Hydraulic  Linear guide   

    1  绪论 1

    1.1课题项目来源 1

    1.2选题的背景及意义 1

    1.3国内外现状 2

    1.3.1国外产品应用发展概况 2

    1.3.2国外研究概况 7

    1.3.3国内产品现状及发展 7

    1.3.4国内研究概况 8

    1.4发展趋势 10

    1.5研究的基本内容、重难点和方法 10


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