



    Abstract: this topic requires students to design a kind of industrial robot system which can be used for welding operation and plasma cutting operation. It is necessary to check the weak links and key links in the structure of the robot. The sensor configuration and control scheme of the industrial robot are designed. The main content of the design steps are designed respectively in different degrees of freedom robot mechanism structure scheme selection, then we calculate the different degrees of freedom load motor selection, the selection of mobile robot according to the speed reducer proper design, a two gear reducer used in gear reducer, the purpose of design is to exercise the basic our ability to design undergraduate. A special end actuator is designed, which can realize the function conversion of plasma cutting machine and welding torch.

    Design robot arm above 1800mm, and can drive more than 12kg load. The design of this kind of robot can effectively increase the efficiency of the robot in the industry, and bring about the further development of the industrial automation.

    Key words: industrial robot; multi purpose robot; two stage reducer


    1. 绪论 1

    1.1本课题的意义与目的 1

    1.2工业机器人国内外研究现状 1

    1.2.1国内现状 1

    1.2.2国外现状 2

    2.方案设计及其选择 3

    2.1  机器人结构方案选择 3

    2.2  机器人末端执行机构方案选择 4

    3.  机器人结构设计 5

    3.1手爪回转关节设计 5

    3.1.1伺服电机和RV减速器的选择 5

    3.1.2电机校核 6

    3.2腕部俯仰关节的设计 6

    3.2.1 伺服电机和RV减速器的选择 6

    3.2.2电机校核 7

    3.3腕部回转关节设计 8

    3.3.1伺服电机的选择 8

    3.3.2电机3减速器选型 9二级减速器第一组齿轮设计 9二级减速器第二组齿轮设计 13二级减速器第一根轴设计 17二级减速器第二根轴设计 19二级减速器第三根轴设计

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