
    摘要近几年,拼焊板技术得到了迅速发展,尤其在汽车工业中,其运用重点也逐渐从最 初的解决板宽发展到主要用于降低车身重量、降低油耗和减少污染排放。但拼焊板冲压 成形仍存在很多问题,如焊缝移动、成形性能不高、试模效率低等。因此,提高拼焊板 成形性能、合理地设置工艺参数、提高试模和生产效率、降低生产成本成为了研究的重 点。69386

    本课题以拼焊半球件为研究对象,首先对其进行了理论分析,讨论影响拼焊板冲压 成形性能的主要因素以及存在的缺陷。其次,运用 Dynaform 对拼焊板进行建模及单因素 的仿真分析,确定了圆弧形焊缝的拼焊板成形性能较好,并分析了焊缝形状和位置、压 边力、板厚比、凹模圆角半径等关键参数对拼焊板冲压成形性能的影响。进而采用正交 试验的方法进行了多因素多目标的参数优化,寻找这些因素的较优水平组合,为实际生 产工艺提供了参考和理论指导。

    毕业论文关键词 拼焊板 焊缝移动 成形性能 正交试验

    毕 业 设 计 说 明 书 外 文 摘 要

    Title Finite Element Analysis and Technology Study of the Forming

    Process of Welded Hemispherical Parts


    In recent years,TWB(tailor-welded blank) technology has been developing rapidly,especially in the automotive industry.And the key of the use was gradually transferred from the solution to the wide development of the board initially to the reduction of the weight of the body,fuel consumption and pollution emissions.But there are still a lot of problems in stamping forming of tailor welded blanks, such as the movement of welding seam,the low forming performance and the efficiency of the test mode. Therefore,it has become the focus of research to improve the formability of tailor welded blanks,set up process parameters, improve the test mode and production efficiency, and reduce the production cost.

    A hemispherical tailor welded part was chosen as the research object in this paper. Firstly, the theoretical analysis was carried out and the main factors that influence the stamping formability of tailor welded blanks and the existing defects were discussed. Secondly, the tailor welded blank was modeled and these factors were simulated respectively by Dynaform.Then,the forming property of tailor welded blanks of arc welded joint was considered to be better.Moreover,the influence of key parameters on the formability of tailor welded blanks was analyzed, which were the shape and position of weld seam, the edge pressing force,the plate thickness ratio and the die radius. Finally, in order to find the optimal process parameters combination, an orthogonal test method was used to optimize the parameters of multi factors for multi objectives. It provided reference and theoretical guidance for the actual production process.

    Keywords TWB Weld movement Formability Orthogonal test

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景 1

    1.2 国内外研究现状 1

    1.3 主要研究内容

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