

    毕业论文关键词 深孔内螺纹 滚压加工 曲柄连杆 行星轮 螺纹引导模具


    Title    design of the screw hole rolling process device          



    This paper introduces a device for rolling deep hole.The device adopts the planetary gear structure, the main movement by swinging device to wheel frame, drive roller for reciprocating motion of rolling thread.The screw relationship can be given by a lathe given by a screw die fixed separately in the work piece and a planetary wheel bracket.The rolling method can not produce the machining cutting, but can improve the thread's smoothness and save the work piece material.The design procedure and the thinking of the rolling device and the swinging mechanism are introduced in detail in this paper.In the rolling device, the crank rocker mechanism is adopted to realize the reciprocating rolling motion of the rolling device.In the rolling device, the crank rocker mechanism is adopted to realize the reciprocating rolling motion of the rolling device.In addition, this paper also introduces how to guarantee the accuracy of rolling thread, and the design of the thread guide die.

    Keywords  Deep hole internal thread   Rolling process  Crank connecting rod  Planetary wheel  Thread guide die 

    目   次

    1 绪论 1

    1.1螺纹的应用及其加工简介 1

    1.2 传统螺纹加工方法的种类及各自特点 1

    1.3 传统螺纹加工方法加工深孔内螺纹所面临的关键问题 3

    1.4 深孔大直径内螺纹的应用和市场需求 3

    1.5 课题主要研究内容及意义 3

    2 滚压加工的研究现状及未来的发展 4

    2.1 滚压加工的原理和特点 4

    2.2 滚压加工螺纹的优势及其加工方式 4

    2.3滚压加工深孔内螺纹所面临的难点 5

    3深孔内螺纹滚压加工装置的总体设计 6

    3.1 滚压加工装置设计 6

    3.1.1加工过程中运动形式的确定 6

    3.1.2冷却液导入装置的设计 7

    3.1.3 滚压加工中的螺纹中径升角的保证 8

    3.2 螺纹相关尺寸计算 8

    3.2.1引导模内螺纹的尺寸计算 8

    3.2.2滚丝轮尺寸的计算 9


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