

    毕业论文关键词  安全  引信  保险


    Title              Design of General Aviation  Bomb Triggered Fuze                     


    The fuze is applicable to most kinds of aviation bomb, with flame-proof institution, redundant safety device, delay arming device, and the function of triggering fire. For the purpose of providing guidance for general aviation bomb fuze design, this article analysed the typical aviation bomb fuze of abroad and concluded the summaries. In order to guarantee the correctness of the structure, doing intension check to the weak part: fuze case, thread, ontology and spring by theoretical calculation. In order to guarantee the service processing safety, doing 1.5m dropping steel plate by theoretical calculation and the result shows it meets the safe falling height. In order to guarantee the arming reliability, doing performance analysis to Lanyard insurance and rotor safety by theoretical calculation, the result shows both can remove safety reliably. In order to guarantee the correctness of size design and reasonable reliable assembly, doing size-chain calculation to fuze parts' size. Fuze Specifications and functions can be achieved.

    Keywords  safety  fuze  safety

    目   次

    1. 引言 1

    1.1. 本课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2.国外航空炸弹引信发展现状及趋势 2

    1.3.国外典型航空炸弹引信 4

    2. 总体设计 21

    2.1. 引信主要战术技术指标 21

    2.2. 技术方案的分析和选择 21

    2.3. 系统组成 23

    2.4. 引信的作用过程 25

    3. 强度计算 27

    3.1. 引信体与弹体连接螺纹强度计算 27

    3.2. 引信体底部强度计算 28

    3.3. 引信与弹体连接处强度计算 28

    4. 弹簧设计计算 29

    4.1. 击针簧 29

    4.2. 滑块簧 32

    5. 解除保险性能计算 35

    5.1. 勤务处理安全性

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