    关键词  力矩电机   发射平台   总体设计   分析计算
    Title  The Design of A Small-size Rotating Platform Driven By Torque motor                                                 
    This paper introduces the motor torque characteristics and development at home and abroad as well as small rocket launch platform use. Combined with the requirements of the subject, systematically presents a torque motor to drive the rotating platform design, including the selection of the torque motor, determine the transmission mode of elevating machine and direction machine , and make analysis and calculation. After doing the analysis of overall structure of the rocket launcher and knowing the basic theory of it, I designed elevating machine and direction machine transmission box and the base, and the overall structure. According to the different design criteria to determine the main shaft, flange, an end cover structure parameters, and the selection of bearings, bolts and washers and other standard parts. Eventually to design out of the platform can realize the rocket launcher in the azimuth and elevation direction of motion process, and achieve the requirements of the subject 's height angle and rotational speed.

    Keywords   Torque motor       Launch platform    Overall design     Analysis and calculation
    1 引言    2
    1.1 力矩电机概述    2
    1.2 转动平台概述    3
    1.3 设计软件的应用    5
    2 高低机的总体设计    6
    2.1 高低机传动方式设计    6
    2.2 电机的选取    7
    2.3 主轴结构设计    10
    2.4 法兰结构设计    17
    3 箱体的总体设计    19
    3.1 轴承盖结构设计    19
    3.2 箱体结构设计    20
    4 方向机的总体设计    21
    4.1 方向机的选取    21
    4.2 底座部分设计    22
    5 总装配    27
    结论    29
    致谢    30
    参 考 文 献    31
    1  引言
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