    An analysis of influence of green credit on the profitability of commercial banks
    Abstract: In China, green credit is so significant of banking industry to develop green economy, to adjust its structure and to improve the competitiveness of its own. Whether green credit can improve the profitability of commercial banks or not has already became the key points of attention for all banks. At first, this paper deeply analyzes the correlation of green credit and the profitability of the commercial banks based on the theoretical layer. Secondly, the paper studies the influence of the green credit on the profitability of the commercial banks by selecting the statistical data that from 2008 to 2016 of the 15 representative commercial banks and using the panel regression model to verify the analysis. The results show that: at the present stage, there is a significant negative correlation between the green credit and the profitability of the commercial banks. At the end of this paper, the author summarizes the theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, and propounds some feasible suggestions for the development of green credit in our country.
    Key words: Green credit;commercial bank;profitability;panel data model

    摘要    3
    关键词    3
    Abstract    3
    Key words    3
    一、引言    3
    二、 文献综述    4
    (一)国外文献综述    4
    (二)国内文献综述    5
    三、 绿色信贷对商业银行盈利水平的理论分析    6
    (一)商业银行开展绿色信贷的理论基础    6
    1.赤道原则    6
    3.可持续发展理论    7
    (二)绿色信贷对商业银行盈利性的影响分析    7
    1.推动中间业务发展    7
    2.提升绿色声誉    7
    3.收益成本分析    7
    4.提高国际竞争力    8
    5.降低贷款风险    8
    6.改善经济环境    8
    (三)商业银行盈利水平的影响因素理论分析    8
    1.资产方面    8
    2.运营方面    8
    3.外部经济环境    9
    四、绿色信贷对商业银行盈利水平影响的实证分析    9
    (一)数据来源    9
    (二)指标选取与变量设计    9
    1.指标选取    9
    2.变量设计    10
    3.描述性分析    11
    4.模型构建    12
    (三)绿色信贷对商业银行盈利水平实证分析    12
    五、 结论与政策建议    14
    (一)结论    14
    (二)政策建议    14
    1.商业银行信息披露及时性和标准化    14
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