    The effect of non-interest income on the performance of listed banks in China
    Abstract:At present, the income of our country's banks mainly depends on the interest margin of traditional deposit and loan. However there have been great changes in environment that our country's commercial banks are operating in.As interest rates marketable in the global economy, competition in the banking industry and interest margin narrowed have made the banking industry face huge challengs, especially due to the development of Internet finance such as YuE Bao.Against this background,many listed banks have begun to pay attention to the problem of performance,using non-interest income to improve their performance.This paper mainly studies the theory of non-interest income how it can affect our country's listed banks and defines non-interest income.This paper analyzes the open data of 16 banks from 2012 to 2016 to figure out the relationship between non-interest income and the performance of listed banks in China by using the model.Based on the results of the analysis, put forward specific measures to improve the performance of listed banks.
    Key words: non-interest income; bank performance; model analysis
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、引言    2
    二、国内外文献综述    2
    (一)国内文献综述    2
    (二)国外文献综述    3
    三、非利息收入对银行绩效影响的理论基础    4
    (二)相关概念的界定    4
    1、非利息收入的概念    4
    2、银行绩效的概念    5
    (二)相关理论    5
    1、非利息收入相关理论    5
    2、银行绩效的衡量指标    6
    四、上市银行非利息收入发展现状    7
    (一)上市银行非利息收入与利息收入比较的现状分析    7
    (二)非利息收入结构比较分析    8
    (三)不同银行非利息收入和利息收入比较分析    9
    五、非利息收入对上市银行绩效影响的实证分析    11
    (一)样本的选取及数据来源    11
    (二)变量的选取及模型构建    11
    1、变量选取    11
    2、模型构建    11
    (三)描述下统计分析及回归分析    11
    1、描述性统计分析    11
    2、回归分析    12
    751、结论    14
    (一)国有控股银行的经营绩效与非利息收入占比正相关    14
    (二) 股份制银行的经营绩效与非利息收入占比正相关    14
    (三) 城市商业银行的经验绩效与非利息收入占比无关    14
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