    Research on the Influence of Media Attention on Accounting Information Quality Abstract
    Abstract: With the development of the media industry, the media's governance role is gradually being taken seriously. Will the quality of accounting disclosure be affected by the system outside of this law? On the basis of this problem, this paper chose the shenzhen stock exchange in 2013-2015 period for examination and assessment of the gem listed company information disclosure quality and rating data related to the sample company's characteristics and corporate governance data, studied the media attention on the quality of the accounting information disclosure. The analysis shows that media attention can improve the quality of accounting information disclosure, but only the negative attention of media can improve the quality of accounting information disclosure. The results show that the negative media attention and more help to improve the quality of the accounting information disclosure of listed companies, thus to better understand the media attention on the quality of the accounting information disclosure provide a theoretical basis.
    Key words: Media attention; Negative media attention; Accounting information quality
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、引言    2
    二、文献综述    2
    (一) 关于媒体关注的文献综述    2
    1、媒体关注的基本职能    2
    2、媒体关注的衡量指标    2
    (二)关于会计信息披露质量的研究现状    2
    1、公司特征方面的研究    2
    2、公司治理方面的研究    2
    (三)媒体关注对会计信息披露质量影响的研究现状    3
    三、研究设计    3
    (一)研究假设    4
    (二)样本选择和数据来源    4
    (三)媒体关注与会计信息披露质量的度量    5
    1、媒体关注的度量    5
    2、会计信息披露质量的度量    5
    (四)研究模型    5
    四、实证检验结果与分析    6
    (一)信息披露质量考评结果的变动分析    6
    (二)描述统计    6
     (三) 相关性检验    7
    (四)Logistic回归分析    8
    五、研究结论    9
    致谢    9
    参考文献    10
    表1    6
    表2    6
    表3    7
    表4    8
    表5    8
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