
    摘 要:近年来,随着国外新公共管理运动的兴起,以引入权责发生制为主要标志,以新西兰、美国、澳大利亚和英国为代表的国家先后对政府会计进行了一系列改革。现在我国政府是以收付实现制作为会计核算基础的,不过随着社会的发展,收付实现制为基础的政府会计弊端日益突出,建立一套完整的权责发生制基础的政府会计体系,全面反映政府的资产、负债、净资产、收入、费用等信息已经成为国际上加强政府公共管理、提高财政透明度的重要手段。本文拟对收付实现制存在若干重大缺陷进行分析,提出了引入权责发生制的必要性,并对权责发生制下的政府会计框架进行构建。68647


    Abstract: In recent years, the accounting and financial reporting is sweeping across the whole world with the rise of new publish management movement. Some countries such as New Zealand, the United States, Australia and the United Kingdom have all reformed in the term of introducing the accrual basis into government accounting. The current accounting system of our government is based on the system of cash basis, with the development of society, the defects based on the cash basis of government accounting become increasingly prominent, establishing a complete set of accrual basis government accounting system, and fully reflecting the government’s assets, liabilities, net assets, income, expenses and other information have become important methods, which strengthen government's public management and improve fiscal transparency. This paper will analysis some major defects of cash basis, put forward the need to introduce accrual basis, and build the frame of government accounting on accrual basis.

    Keywords: government accounting, accrual basis, cash basis

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    1.1  研究的背景 3

    1.2  研究的意义 3

    2  现行收付实现制下的政府会计存在的弊端 3

    2.1  对政府资产状况反映不全面、不客观 3

    2.2  形成隐性负债,不利于防范财政风险 4

    2.3  不利于成本核算,成本信息失真 4

    2.4  不能反映政府财政收支状况 4

    2.5  不利于政府信息的披露和政府绩效考评 5

    3  政府会计引入权责发生制的必要性 5

    3.1  国际环境变化要求引入权责发生制 5

    3.2  权责发生制自身的优越性 5

    3.3  真实反映政府财务状况和运营绩效信息 6

    4  权责发生制下政府会计框架的构建 6

    4.1  政府会计的会计主体 6

    4.2  政府会计的会计计量 7

    4.3  政府会计的会计信息质量特征 7

    4.4  政府会计的财务会计报告 8

    4.5  政府会计财务信息的质量监管 8

    结论 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12

    1  引言

    1.1  研究的背景

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