

    毕业论文关键词: 同一控制;企业重组;盈利能力

    The Influence Of Enterprise Restructuring Under The Same Control On Profitability——Take SAIC Motor Restructured HUAYU Automotive Systems Company Limited For Example

    Abstract: In order to keep advantages in the market competition, many companies choose to restructure under the same control. Through restructuring under the same control we can reallocate labor, assets, management and other factors. This is a kind of important form of optimization configuration of enterprise resource. At the same time it also can produce synergies and market effect and formed a combination of economic resources. The final judgment of the corporate restructuring is the ascension of corporate profitability and profit growth, while most of the corporate restructuring performance is not up to standard. Through the analysis of the case of SAIC motor restructured HUAYU automotive the article found that the corporate restructuring under the same control can help the company widening the market and scale. Sales revenue can be increased by widening the market. But when the growth of the scale is too fast it will cause costs rising because of lack of management ability. Through a comprehensive analysis of the case, we came to a conclusion that the profitability of the company in this case has declined. Therefore we need to reasonably plan restructuring scale before the corporate restructuring under the same control and pay enough attention to the integration problems after restructuring. 

    Key Words:  under the same control; corporate restructuring; profitability

    目 录

    引言 1

    一、 同一控制下企业重组概述 2

    (一) 同一控制下企业重组的概念 2

    (二) 同一控制下企业重组的特点 2

    二、 同一控制下企业重组现状和存在的问题 3

    (一) 同一控制下企业重组现状 3

    1、 同一控制下企业重组的主体 3

    2、 同一控制下重组企业的规模 3

    3、 同一控制下企业重组的结果 3

    (二) 同一控制下企业重组存在的问题 4

    1、 对重组认识上的不足 4

    2、 对重组后的整合不够重视

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