

    毕业论文关键词:  内部控制;会计信息披露;质量影响

    Lack of internal control of accounting information disclosure of listed companies research on the effects of quality

    Abstract:Accounting information disclosure of listed companies refers to the stock issuer in accordance with the provisions of the State and the stock exchange, public enterprise important information, including accounting information, and other important information, in order to benefit investors an act of investment decisions. In short, the quality of information disclosure of listed companies accounting will not only affect the equity interests of investors and creditors and other stakeholders, serious time with the national social and economic order are closely linked. Accounting information distortion problem in recent years has been plagued by China's economic circles, a serious impediment to the process of China's market economy. If we allow the proliferation of false accounting information, it will seriously distort the value of the stock, to disrupt the capital markets and damage the interests of investors, shareholders dampen enthusiasm for investment. From a theoretical point of internal controls and accounting information disclosure, aiming at now internal control and accounting information disclosure of listed problems combined with "green earth" the company's case study, some suggestions and ideas.

    KeyWords:internal control;Accounting Information Disclosure; Quality influence

    绪 论 1

    一、内部控制与会计信息披露的理论分析 2

    (一)内部控制的含义及其特征 2

    1、 内部控制的含义 2

    2、 内部控制的特征 2

    (二)会计信息披露的含义、特征 3

    1、 会计信息披露的含义 3

    2、 会计信息披露的特征 3

    (三)会计信息披露质量的真实性对于上市公司的重要性 4

    二、内部控制与会计信息披露存在的问题 6

    (一)内部控制存在的问题 6

    1、公司管理层对内部控制认识不足 6

    2、内部控制制度设计不合理 6

    3、内部控制的执行与监督、检查、考核体制不健全 7

    (二)会计信息披露存在的问题 7

    1、推迟披露信息,降低了会计信息的使用价值 7


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