


    毕业论文关键词  酒店  内部控制  问题  对策

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title   apply  research on internal control of  hotel  industry  in  China                   


    Hotel industry is one of the earliest industries opened to the outside world in our country. With the fast development of the whole industry, its internal competition is becoming more and more fiercer. How to adapt to the changes of the outside environment and make full use of its internal resources to form its competitive advantages is the very important 

    problem faced with every hotel manager. Therefore, this paper concentrates

    on analysising and studying hotel internal control management, especially the financial internal control, and try to come up with some constructive suggestions.

    This paper discusses the present situation of hotel internal control and combine theory with case to analysis the problems and put forward the concrete suggestions, which is based on the related theories. I hope that through the study, I can put forward some scientific and operable internal control system and methods.

    Keywords   Hotel   Internal control   Problems   Suggestions

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  研究背景与意义 1

    1.2  研究内容与框架..………………………………………………….…………....1

    1.3  研究方法与思路 2

    2  内部控制理论文献综述 2

    2.1  内部控制的定义 2

    2.2  西方内部控制理论研究现状 3

    2.3  我国内部控制理论研究现状 5

    3  我国酒店行业内部控制的必要性及存在的问题 5

    3.1  酒店行业内部控制的特点 5

    3.2  我国酒店行业内部控制的必要性 6

    3.3  我国酒店企业内部控制存在的问题 7

    3.3.1  管理者认识不足 7

    3.3.2  预算控制不合理 7

    3.3.3  资金控制不严格………..……………………………………………………..8

    3.3.4  运营成本控制不力………..…………………………………………………..9

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