
    摘要:截止至2015年底,我国新登记的企业中,96%属于小微企业。小微企业数量众多,在改善民生、促进就业方面起着重要作用。本文以我国小微企业作为研究对象,研究其融资成本、结构及其绩效的关系。文章首先分析了我国小微企业的融资现状及其理论基础;然后,在研究大量文献的基础上,收集了我国360家小微企业2012年至2014年的数据,运用SPSS进行数据分析。研究发现,小微企业的资产负债率和赫芬达尔指数与企业绩效存在着明显的倒U型关系,小微企业的债务期限结构也与企业绩效存在显著的负相关关系。由此得出结论:过高或过低的资产负债率和过于集中的股权结构对小微企业都不合适,必须取一个适度的中间值; 。文章最后根据研究结论,就小微企业如何提高绩效提出了相关政策建议。69199


    An Empirical Study of 

    Small and Micro Enterprise’s financing costs,

    structure and Performance

    Abstract:By the end of 2015,96% of new registered enterprises are Chinese small and micro companies,in a large munber,which play an imprrtant role in improving lives and providing job opportunities.In this essay,I will explore the relationship between Chinese small and micro enterprises’financing costs,structure and performance.Firstly,It is significant to acquire the knowledge of the situations and theoretical basis of small and micro enterprises.Secondly,after reading a large amount of relating literature,collecting the related data form the Year 2012 to 2014 and ulitalising SPSS for data analysis is the next step. The study has found that asset-liability ratio and Herfindahl Index dramatically share a U-shape relationship with the Enterprise performance.And debt maturity structure of small and micro businesses is also significantly negative related with business performance. In conclusion,extremely high or low debt ratio and equity structure is inappropriate and there is always an appropriate intermediate value;While the shorter debt maturity,the greater the firm performance.Finally,we have got several pieces of useful advice based on fomer conclusion.

    Key Words: Small and Micro enterprises; Financing Structure; Perpormance; Inverted U-shaped relationship; Negative correlation;

    目    录

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目    录 III

    一、 绪论 1

    (一)研究目的 1

    (二)研究意义 1

    (三)研究内容 1

    (四)研究方法与创新点 2

    二、文献综述 3

    (一)关于从政策角度降低企业融资成本 3

    (二)关于从互联网信息化角度降低企业融资成本 3

    (三)研究现状总结与评述 3

    三、 融资结构与成本的理论基础 5

    (一)相关概念界定 5

    (二)融资结构理论基础 6

    四、实证研究 8

    (一)研究假设 8

    (二)研究设计 8

    (三)实证检验 10


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