



    An Empirical Analysis on the GEM Profitability of Listed Companies in Jiangsu Province and Its Influencing Factors

    ABSTRACT:GEM has opened up new financing channels for medium-sized and small enterprises and start-up company, which has created a greater development space for them. With the state technological innovation and entrepreneurship support, and introduction of a number of supporting policies of small and medium-sized enterprises, GEM listed companies become the main force of China’s economic development, thus, it is particularly important to research and analyse the GEM listed company’s profitability and its influencing factors.

    The paper from the five aspects as the following enterprise scale, asset structure, financial risk and capital structure, operating capacity, research and development ability and growth competence in , selecting the 5 variables as possible influencing factors on the GEM profitability of listed companies, which include total assets, tangible assets ratio, asset liability ratio, total asset turnover, net profit growth rate. The cross section data of 29 listed companies from 2012 to 2014 in Jiangsu province were selected as sample data,  the paper via empirical analysis to find out the influence factors and its influence degree of the profitability of the listed companies. Finally, putting forward own views for improving the profitability of the GEM listed companies.

    Key Words: GEM;profitability;influencing factors;multiple regression analysis

    目   录




    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究背景与意义 1

    (二)创业板地位和作用 1

    (三)创业板特点 2

    二、文献综述 3

    (一)上市公司盈利能力国内外研究现状 3

    (二)本文研究思路及研究假设 4

    三、创业板上市公司盈利能力的实证分析 6

    (一)变量选取与模型建立 6

    (二)样本的选取及数据来源 7

    (三)实证结果 7

    四、结论及建议 11

    (一)研究结论 11

    (二)相关建议 12

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