



    毕业论文关键词:注册制;信息披露;市场化;监管 ;信息化

    As study of on the system of information disclosure of listing Corporation under the registration system

     Abstract : Since the third plenary session of the 18th offered to officially registered to the ipo system reform, China's securities market has officially kicked off the authorization to register system reform. Registration system and the ipo reform, one of the most core link is the disclosure of information. Therefore, to perfect the information disclosure system, reduce the information disclosure violations, illegal behavior, is the important measures to push towards marketization of China's stock market.

    Exist at present, our country stock market information disclosure quality is not high, the content is incomplete, false disclosure and illegal disclosure violations, illegal behavior, etc. Similar violations of illegal ACTS not only caused damage to the interests of the investors, but also not conducive to healthy development of China's stock market.

    At first, this paper is aimed at the status of current our country securities market information disclosure system described, then the multi-angle analysis of the current new issues under the authorization information disclosure system of the main problems, and then analyzed through more than 200 years of the development of the characteristics and advantages of the securities market information disclosure system, and finally put forward the our country securities market ipo registration system construction of information disclosure system in the reform Suggestions and measures.  



    一、引言 1

    (一)研究背景与意义 1

    (二)国内外研究文献综述 1

    (三)研究目标与内容 3

    (四)主要创新 3

    二、证券市场注册制改革的必要性分析 3

    (一)现行证券市场核准制的弊端 3

    (二)证券市场注册制改革的意义 4

    三、我国证券市场信息披露制度存在的问题及成因 5

    (一)证券市场信息披露制度存在的问题 5

    1信息披露内容残次 5

    2信息披露制度落后 6

    3行政干预过多 7

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