



    Income tax accounting research

    ABSTRACT:In China's tax system, income tax accounting is an important tax, is also an important content of financial accounting. Income tax revenue and expenditure in different accounting methods, to create a permanent difference and  temporary difference. Income tax accounting of the main processing method of balance sheet debt method, taxes payable method, income statement debt method. Along with the development and progress of China's reform and opening-up, national ministry of finance issued "accounting standard for business enterprises 2006", is necessary for our country's accounting system is consistent with the international accounting standards, to meet the needs of the international economic cycle. 

      From the perspective of the income tax, this paper expounds the historical development of income tax, in view of existing situation, the analysis of the specific situation of the income tax accounting in China, the emphasis on the importance of income tax accounting research, from related on the income tax accounting method, and tax related theoretical knowledge, and points out the reality of our country income tax is calculated using method at present, mainly in the new accounting standards required by the income tax accounting methods, specific methods and measures of balance sheet liability method and the comparison of two kinds of accounting methods made some description and discussion. , and compares the advantages and shortcomings, combined with the practical in terms of income tax accounting in China, Some countermeasures are presented.

    Keywords: Income tax accounting   balance sheet debt method taxes payable method  Problem   countermeasure


    一、绪论 1

    二、所得税会计概述 2

    (一)所得税会计的产生与发展 2

    _Toc451357778(二)所得税会计的基本理论 2

    1 所得税的性质 2

    2.会计利润与应税所得的差异 3

    3.所得税会计的目标 3

    三、所得税会计处理方法比较 3

    (一)应付税款法与纳税影响法的比较 4

    (二)资产负债表债务法与损益表债务法 5

    1.概念比较与核算差异比较 5

    2.对收益的理解比较 5


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