    摘要:《企业会计准则》和《所得税实施条例》中对固定资产的定义及其折旧做了不同的规定,这些规定造成了财务会计和税务会计处理上的差异,这些差异是财政部门、税收部门以及企业之间利益博弈的结果。随着社会主义市场经济的发展,税会差异渐趋明显,对企业的会计处理造成了一定的负面影响。本文将用博弈论的方法来分析固定资产折旧的税会差异,并尝试着寻求一种方法可以协调这种差异。 38788
    Tax differences and coordination of fixed assets depreciation
    Abstract:"Accounting standard for business enterprises" and "the income tax regulations "on the implementation of the definition and the depreciation of fixed assets in the different rules, those regulations, which caused the financial accounting and tax accounting differences, these differences is the finance department, tax department and the result of the interest game between enterprises.With the development of the socialist market economy, tax differences become more obvious, to the enterprise accounting caused some negative effect.This article from the Angle of game theory, analyze the tax will be difference of depreciation of fixed assets, and try to find out the differences between coordinated way.
    Key words:Financial accounting, tax accounting, difference, coordination, game theory, fixed asset depreciation
    摘要    4
    关键词    4
    Abstract    4
    Key words    4
    引言    4
    一、导论    4
    (一)选题背景    4
    (二)选题意义    5
    二、《企业会计准则》和《所得税法实施条例》的差异    5
    (一)资产和固定资产    5
    (二)折旧    5
    1.折旧概念    5
    2.差异    5
    3.《纳税申报表》    6
    三、文献综述    6
    (一)固定资产折旧税会差异的影响    7
    (二)固定资产折旧税会差异产生的原因    7
    (三)固定资产折旧税会差异的协调    8
    四、从博弈论的角度看税会差异    9
    (一)博弈论    9
    (二)囚徒困境    9
    1.模型假设    10
    2.单次发生的“囚徒困境    10
    3.反复发生的“囚徒困境”    10
    (三)纳征双方基本博弈模型    11
    1.基本假设    11
    2.纯策略下的纳税博弈    11
    3.混合策略下的纳税博弈    12
    五、税会差异的协调    13
    (一)税会差异协调的一般思路    13
    (二)适当调整税法向会计制度协调    13
    (三)企业向会计准则协调    13
    致谢    13
    参考文献    14
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