    The enterprise financial management        under the financial statement analysis
    Abstract:In the process of socialist economic development, both in the enterprise internal management and external investors have gradually realize the importance of financial statement analysis and financial statement analysis of enterprise financial management. An enterprise's financial management level and on behalf of the enterprise has a lot to do. Can be seen from the enterprise's financial statement analysis, an enterprise operating performance before, in the financial analysis, also can predict the future growth space and trading trends. These analyses can help users from financial statement analysis in the management of the enterprise management to make accurate decisions and on the basis of investment decision analysis, in order to improve the enterprise management ability. Are the company's financial management in enterprise financial transactions in the activity, is a must requirement for social and economic development. Effective financial management, will bring huge economic benefits to the enterprise, analysis of financial statements has the very big significance. This paper, through the company's financial statements, from the perspective of the financial statement analysis, put forward Suggestions to the financial management, and puts forward the limitations of the current enterprise financial management and the way of improvement.
    Key words:financial statement ;financial statement analysis;financial management
    目 录
    绪论    1
    一、财务报表分析及企业财务管理的概述    2
    (一) 财务报表及财务报表分析的定义    2
    (二) 企业财务管理的定义    2
    (三)财务报表分析在企业财务管理中的应用    2
    二、企业财务管理的现状    4
    (一)财务管理观念落后    4
    (二)资金管理体制不健全    4
    (三)缺乏健全的财务预算体制    4
    (四)成本管理体系不健全    5
    三、在财务报表分析下企业财务管理分析的类别    6
    (一) 财务状态分析    6
    (二)偿还债务能力分析    6
    (三) 获利能力分析    6
    (四)资产营运能力分析    7
    四、企业财务管理中财务报表分析存在的问题    8
    (一)财务报表本身的局限性    8
    (二)财务报表的可靠性问题    8
    (三)分析人员自身和分析方法的局限    8
    五、案例分析    8
    (一)中国石油天然气股份有限公司简介    9
  1. 上一篇:上市公司信息披露问题及对策研究
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