
    摘  要:随着我国经济的不断发展,我国处于加快转变经济发展方式的关键时期。为了减轻企业税负,促进经济模式的转型,大力发展第三产业,我国在2013年8月1日在全国正式施行营业税改增值税。试点地区改革后的结果显示,跟改革前相比改革后大部分企业的税负有不同程度的下降。但是,也存在部分企业在改革后税负出现了一定幅度上升。为了分析研究营业税改增值税给企业带来的具体影响以及其中存在的问题,本文采用举例分析的方法分别对小规模纳税人、交通运输业、有形动产租赁业、广告业在营业税改增值税后企业税负变化的情况进行具体分析研究,并通过计算得出企业税负的临界点。最终得出营业税改增值税能够减轻大部分企业税负,并对部分税负增加的行业提出相关的建议。54854


    Abstract: With the continuous development of our economy, our country is in the key period of accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development. In order to reduce the tax burden of enterprises, promote the transformation of economic mode, develop the third industry, our country in the country in August 1, 2013 the formal implementation of business tax on the value added tax. Results after the reform pilot area of display, compared with the pre reform after the reform of tax of most enterprises have different degrees of decline. However, there are also some enterprises in the reform of tax burden to a certain extent rise. In order to specific analysis of the business tax on the value added tax brings to the enterprise and the problems, this paper uses the method of example analysis respectively on the small-scale taxpayers, transportation, tangible movable property leasing industry, the advertising industry in the business tax on the value added tax business tax change situation of specific analysis, the critical point and the calculation the enterprise tax burden. Finally the business tax on the value added tax can reduce most of the tax burden of enterprises, and put forward some relevant suggestions on the part of tax increase in industry.

    Key words: business tax on the value added tax, reduce the tax burden, tax effect

    目 录

    1  引言 4

    1.1  研究背景 4

    1.2  研究目的 4

    2  营业税改增值税的基本概况 4

    2.1  实行情况 4

    2.2  营改增的内容及税率设置 4

    3  营业税改增值税对具体行业的影响分析 6

    3.1  营改增对小规模纳税人的影响分析 6

    3.2  营改增对交通运输业的影响分析 6

    3.3  营改增对有形动产租赁业的影响分析 7

    3.4  营改增对广告业的影响分析 8

    3.5  改革后企业税负的临界点 10

    3.6  改革后的总体评价 10

    4  解决营业税改增值税对企业影响的措施 11

    结 论 13

    参考文献 14

    致 谢 15

    1  引言

    1.1  研究背景


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