

    毕业论文关键词: 计量属性;公允价值;财务报表

    Research on the application of fair value measurement

    Abstract:Fair value, as one of accounting measurement attributes, is an importantly challenging and difficult problem, the in-depth study and discussion in it is an important part of accounting theory and the important flag of well compiling in practice, besides, it is vital to further improve the button business of our country accounting standards. And it also has an irreplaceable role in promoting good high-speed operation of China's economy, thus China's comprehensive national strength can be improved, our motherland can be rich, strong and prosperous. This paper firstly writes from the historical evolution of the fair value to its definition, and then, it describes the research on fair value in China were investigated, on one hand, made a reference for YOUNGOR's 2010 financial statements in order to show the financial instruments’ effects on the balance sheet. On the other hand, cited the Chengdu construction investment of asset replacement effects on the income statement, because my ability is limited, I can’t illustrate the use of Disadvantages of fair value, so I refer to books to get the advantages and disadvantages of the use of fair value, and put forward relevant suggestions for improvements.

    Keywords: measurement attribute; fair value; financial statements

    目  录

    一、 绪论 1

    二、 公允价值概论 2

    (一) 公允价值简介 2

    1、公允价值的历史演进 2

    2、公允价值的定义 2

    (1) 国际对公允价值的定义 2

    (2) 国内对公允价值的定义 3

    (二) 公允价值应用现状 3

    三、 公允价值应用的案例分析(以上市公司为例) 4

    (一) 公允价值应用对资产负债表的影响 4

    (二) 公允价值应用对利润表的影响 5

    四、 应用公允价值应用的优缺点 7

    (一) 应用公允价值的优点 7

    1、有利于提高财务报表间的关联性和各数据间准确性 7

    2、能够提供更多信息,引导信息使用者选择出回报率最高的方案 7

    3、促进实现收入与费用的完美配比,从而真实反映公司的盈利或亏损 7

    (二) 应用公允价值应用的缺点

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