


    The important role of accounting computerization in financial firms Cost Control——In "CITIC Bank" Case

    Abstract: In the economic area, the cost can be interpreted as possible in terms of money or an object of resources in production and consuming of business activities. In the financial enterprise, on the one hand, helping companies to control costs can reduce the production of waste, attrition. On the other hand, cost control can also help companies to improve competitiveness and to achieve maximum benefit. Therefore, the accounting cost control has become an important aspect in the company's financial management. This paper describes the meaning, the role and the specific content of computerized accounting to reflect their importance and the role of cost control in the financial business. So, taking the CITIC Bank for example, then finding the problems on cost control through the research, and finally proposing appropriate solutions and recommendations.

    Keywords: cost control; accounting computerization; financial enterprises; 

    绪论 1

    一、会计电算化及成本控制的理论基础 2

    (一) 会计电算化的概述 2

    1、会计电算化的含义 2

    2、我国会计电算化的发展历史 2

    3、会计电算化的作用 2

    (二) 成本控制的概述 3

    1、成本控制的目的 3

    2、银行成本控制的具体解释 3

    3、成本控制的模式 4

    二、会计电算化对金融企业的重要作用 5

    (一)有利于提高工作效率 5

    (二)有利于加强经营管理 5

    (三)有利于扩展企业的经营业务 5

    三、中信银行成本控制研究 6

    (一) 中信银行简介 6

    (二) 中信银行成本控制现状 6

    1、全面成本控制 6

    2、银行的营运成本分析 7

    (三) 中信银行会计电算化对成本控制的影响 8

    (四) 中信银行电算化成本控制存在的主要问题 9

    四、对中信银行电算化成本控制的建议 11

    (一)会计电算化系统升级与转型 11

    (二)会计人员知识技能的培训与指导 11


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