
    摘  要:在如今经济全球化和货币经济的状态下,现代企业的重要融资方法便是举债经营,如果能够较好地掌握这种策略,则会给企业带来额外收益,有效地提高净资产收益率,但是,负债也会造成企业的经营风险。因此,在决策之前,为了预测企业风险并保护其利益,就要对偿债能力进行正确合理的分析。本文以苏州纽威阀门股份有限公司财务信息为例,运用比率分析的方法,从短期和长期两个角度着手分析该公司偿债能力的强弱,其中结合流动比率、速动比率等指标,对该上市公司的偿债能力进行分析并提出合理的建议。62701


    Abstract:  In the state of global economic integration and the condition of modern credit economy, operating with the debt has become an important financing means and strategies of modern enterprise. If we can use it reasonable, it will bring financial leverage benefits and improve the return on equity effectively. But the debt also brings huge financial risk to the enterprise. So, we should analyze the ability of debt paying, because it is an effective method of predict the risk of enterprises and protect the interests of the enterprise. This thesis takes financial information between 2011 and 2013 of Suzhou Neway Oilfield Equipment LLC for example. Using ratio based method to analyze the ability to pay off debts of the enterprise. It pides into two big parts, which include short-term debt paying ability analysis and long-term debt paying ability analysis. Among of these, it combines different factors, such as current ratio, quick ratio and so on. Then, we can analyze the debt paying of the enterprise and put forward reasonable suggestions.

    Keywords: listed company, debt paying ability, factors, financial indicators

    1  引言 4

    2  苏州纽威阀门股份有限公司简介 4

    3  偿债能力的概述 4

    3.1  偿债能力的概念和内容 4

    3.2  影响短期偿债能力的主要因素 4

    3.3  影响长期偿债能力的主要因素 5

    4  苏州纽威阀门股份有限公司偿债能力分析 6

    4.1  短期偿债能力分析 6

    4.1.1  短期偿债能力静态与动态分析 6

    4.1.2  短期偿债能力的行业分析 7

    4.2  长期偿债能力分析 9

    4.2.1  资产规模对长期偿债能力影响的分析 9

    4.2.2  长期偿债能力的行业分析 9

    5  加强苏州纽威阀门股份有限公司偿债能力的建议 10

    5.1  加强短期偿债能力的建议 11

    5.2  加强长期偿债能力的建议 12

    结  论 13

    参考文献 14

    致  谢 15

    1  引言


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