


    Abstract: With the rapid development of economy, low carbon economy has been a popular word among the people all over the world. Low carbon economy requires companies to pursue their interests while fully thinking about the environmental costs will be paid. The paper industry is a traditional industry, but also a industry which costs too many environmental resources. On the current paper making enterprises, the environmental costs in the cost of corporate spending are increasing yearly, therefore, it has become an urgent problem immediately to control the environmental costs of enterprises. This article will from the characteristics of corporate environmental costs under low carbon economy, combined with the present situation of the recognition and measurement of environmental costs, then put forward the reasonable measures to deal with the problems in the environmental cost control of YiZheng paper making enterprise.

    Keyword: low carbon economy, paper-making enterprise, environmental cost, cost control

    1  引言 3

    2  低碳经济视角下造纸企业的环境成本 3

    2.1  低碳经济 3

    2.2  造纸企业 3

    2.3  环境成本分类与计量 4

    3  低碳经济下企业环境成本的特点 4

    3.1  低碳能源成本较髙 4

    3.2  减排技术的创新成本较髙 5

    3.3  开始征收二氧化碳排放税 5

    4  仪征市造纸厂环境成本控制中存在的问题 5

    4.1  制浆造纸生产过程对环境的影响 6

    4.2  环境成本控制范围狭窄且方法落后 6

    4.3  相关法律法规不健全 6

    4.4  政府部门指导监督不力 7

    5  针对仪征市造纸厂的环境成本控制对策 7

    5.1  制定具有可操作性的环境保护措施 7

    5.2  扩大环境成本的控制范围 8

    5.3  健全相关法律法规和控制坏境成本的奖惩机制 8

    5.4  政府加大对企业监督力度及低碳环保教育 9

    结   论 10

    参考文献 11

    致  谢 12

    1  引言


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