


    关键词:商业银行  社会责任  信息披露  评价体系  

    毕业论文外 文 摘 要

    Title  Comparative Study between domestic and foreign commercial banks in corporate social responsibility information disclosure 


    In today's society, a country's economic development is often associated with the specific circumstances of the country's banks and other financial sector development is closely related to, and have the effective allocation of resources and other advantages of the banking sector can be largely related enterprises to actively promote social responsibility . Thus, in the overall market environment to actively promote corporate social responsibility related to the effective development process, it is necessary for the banking industry's social responsibility information disclosure depth study.

        In this thesis it around at home and abroad as well as related corporate social responsibility information disclosure and other aspects of research theory and concrete results are briefly introduced, and based on the analysis in the control application-specific content analysis of 16 domestic listed banks 2010-2012 Expand social responsibility Report and the specific scoring evaluation, which account for the corresponding proportion of corporate information disclosure. Then, on the basis of specific evaluation further explore some domestic commercial banks listed on disclosure of information, collate and analyze the main characteristics and specifically point out the problems. In addition, commercial banks and by choosing as a representative of some of China's major commercial banks and foreign commercial banks social responsibility report analyzed and compared, and then analyzes the social responsibility aspect, the domestic commercial banks and international companies related to the difference between for China's commercial banks to better fulfill their social responsibilities put forward countermeasures and suggestions.

    Keywords Commercial Banks, Social Responsibility, Information Disclosure, Evaluate System

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景和意义 1

    1.2 研究方法和内容 1

    2 文献综述 3

    2.1 国外文献综述 3


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