


    Abstract: With the development of the world, interest rate marketization, customer demand upgrades and market competition becomes increasingly, the traditional modes of management increasingly can not adapt to the needs of the development of future. Therefore, our domestic commercial Banks actively imitated western developed countries commercial Banks, seek a service-oriented modes of management, so as to realize the sustainable development of business. Because of jiangsu bank was set up in a short time, is still in the growth, and exists many weaknesses. They have to face many problems, classifying a few respects: financial services products breed is not abundant enough; product service channel lacks persity,depending on external conditions is in a high degree,the magement of banks are not with delicacy;internal structure of banks are scattered,lacking of communication. The article sought to explore comparatively comfortablet service operation management mode.

    Keywords: Jiangsu bank, service-oriented, management mode

     1  引言 4

    2  服务型运营管理的概述 4

    2.1  服务型运营管理的内涵 4

    2.2  服务型运营管理的意义 5

    3  江苏银行服务型运营管理现状及存在的问题 5

    3.1  金融产品服务单一,更新速度慢 5

    3.2  产品服务渠道局限,实体网点过度依赖 6

    3.3  人员需求量大,业务流程再造迫切 6

    3.4  管理模式精细化程度不足 6

    3.5  银行内部机构沟通不利 7

    3.6  人员素质偏低,软服务水平差 8

    4  江苏银行服务型运营管理中存在问题的原因 8

    4.1  发展基础薄弱 8

    4.2  金融市场更新速度快,对银行高要求 8

    4.3  业务流程效率差 8

    4.4  精细化管理完备性差 9

    4.5  银行内部各部门具有沟通壁垒 9

    4.6  银行从业人员培训体系不完善 10

    5  探索江苏银行服务型运营管理模式 10

    5.1  服务于客户运营管理模式 10

    5.2  服务于银行运营管理模式

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