

    关键词  融资偏好  优序融资理论  修正S-M模型  制造业融资

    毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

    Title  Financing Preference of Listed Companies in China —Based on the Empirical Analysis of the manufacturing sector                            


    Since the financial pecking order theory has been proposed, whether it is in line with China's national conditions has been the focus of research. Most scholars believe that listed companies in China clearly have the tendency of equity financing, so they come to the contrary conclusion of the pecking order theory. However, some scholars have proposed that some studies have confused the financing structure and financing preference which may lead to the deviation conclusion Firstly, the paper reviews the literature of the financing preference, and determine the definition of the financing preference. Secondly, combined with the data of listed companies in China's manufacturing industry, use the modified S-M model to conduct the empirical analysis of the financing preference of listed companies in the manufacturing sector. Finally, according to the analysis and manufacturing financing situation, I make some recommendations.

    Keywords  financing preference  financial pecking order theory  modified S-M model  manufacturing industry financing

    目   次

    1  引言… 1

    2  文献综述… 2

    2.1  国外融资偏好研究简述 2

    2.2  国内融资偏好研究综述 2

    2.3  文献综述小结 4

    3  模型设计与说明 5

    3.1  提出假设 5

    3.2  模型设计 5

    4  实证结果与分析 9

    4.1  样本选择和数据来源… 9

    4.2  实证分析 9

    4.3  小结12

    5  制造业融资现状分析及对策…14

    5.1  制造业融资现状…14

    5.2  对制造业融资现状的建议…14

    结论 16

    致谢 17

    参考文献 18

    1  引言


    自Myers & Majluf的优序融资理论(即啄食顺序理论)传入中国以来,越来越多的学者开始关注企业的融资偏好,希望能够对企业的融资有所帮助,从而促进企业的发展。目前,大多数研究认为我国上市公司具有明显的股权融资倾向,与优序融资理论相悖。但是随着我国资本市场的进一步完善和融资偏好研究的深入,前人的研究结论不断受到质疑。因此,根据变化的企业融资环境来研究我国企业融资偏好的现状,对未来企业融资的改善具有重要意义。论文网

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