摘 要:随着社会的进步,社会分工更加的明确。因此,“营改增”成为目前我国的税收改革的重点。本文首先在结合“营改增”出台的一系列政策措施的基础上阐述了目前“营改增”在我国的发展现状,其次通过文献研究、案例分析的方法从增值税可抵扣进项税差异、应税服务界定、中央与地方的财政收益分配以及发票的使用和管理这四个方面对现如今“营改增”仍然存在的问题进行了深入分析研究,最后结合实际情况对上述存在的问题分别给出了相应的应对措施。67414
Abstract: Along with social progress, social pision of labor is more clearly. Therefore, "replace business tax with value-added tax" has become the focus of China's current tax system reform. Firstly, in the "replace business tax with value-added tax", a series of policy measures introduced on the basis of combining explained the current development status. In our own country, "replace business tax with value-added tax" followed by literature research method, case studies from the deductible input tax differences, tax Services defines the central and local fiscal income distribution. It also defines the use and management of these four aspects of the invoice. Now, "replace business tax with value-added tax" in-depth problems remain analysis, and finally the actual situation of the above problems has found out corresponding measures.
Keywords: replace business tax with value-added tax, modern service industry, tax reform, value-added tax
目 录
1 引言 3
2 文献综述 3
3 当前我国营业税改征增值税的现状及必要性 4
3.1 我国结构性减税中现代服务业的现状 5
3.2 我国现代服务业“营改增”的必要性 5
3.3 “营改增”前后企业税负变化 6
4 “营改增”对现代服务业税收的影响 6
4.1 “营改增”对现代服务业有利影响 6
4.2 “营改增”对现代服务业不利影响 7
5 “营改增”的完善建议与配套措施 9
5.1 重视进项税中劳动力成本的抵扣问题 9
5.2 完善税收法制体系 9
5.3 协调中央与地方的财政利益关系 9
5.4 规范发票管理 10
5.5 改善管理机制、避免纳税人逃税 10
结论 11
参考文献 12
致谢 13
1 引言