
    摘  要:企业用它的资产偿还长期债务和短期债务就是指企业的偿债能力。企业是否具有现金的支付能力和债务的偿还能力,是企业能否平稳发展与具备竞争力的关键因素。企业偿债能力是反映企业经营能力和财务状况的一种重要的指标。企业偿还其债务的现金支付能力和保证偿还负债程度就指的是企业的偿债能力,其中有偿还短期债务和长期债务的能力。企业偿债能力,从动态的角度来说,就是用企业资产和经营过程创造的收益偿还债务的能力;从静态的角度来说,就是用企业资产清偿企业债务的能力。一个公司的偿还债务的能力以及其财务的灵活性是通过偿债能力反映的。本文以珠海格力电器股份公司为例,分别从短期偿债能力和长期偿债能力的角度出发,通过各样指标的分析来判断其偿债能力。67884


    Abstract: The enterprise with its assets to repay long-term debt and short-term debt refers to the solvency of enterprises. Whether the enterprise has the ability to pay cash and debt repayment ability, is the key factor for enterprises to smooth development and competitive. The solvency of enterprises is an important index to reflect the enterprise management ability and financial status. The enterprise to repay its debt cash payment ability and guarantee the payment of debt refers to the solvency of enterprises, which have ability to repay short-term debt and long-term debt. The solvency of enterprises, from the dynamic perspective, the ability is to create with the process of enterprise assets and operating income to repay debts; from the static point of view, is the use of corporate assets to repay its debt capacity. A company's ability to repay the debt and its financial flexibility is reflected through the solvency. This paper takes Zhuhai Gree Electric Co. Ltd. as an example, the short-term solvency and long-term solvency perspective, through the analysis of various indicators to determine its solvency.

    Keywords: Solvency, Quick ratio, The rate of assets and liabilities

    目  录

    1  引言 3

    2  珠海格力电器股份公司短期偿债能力分析 3

    2.1  珠海格力电器股份公司短期偿债能力指标 3

    2.2  珠海格力电器股份公司短期偿债能力分析 4

    3  珠海格力电器股份公司长期偿债能力分析 5

    3.1  通过资产负债率进行长期偿债能力分析 5

    3.2  通过股东权益比率进行长期偿债能力分析 5

    4  企业偿债能力分析中存在的问题 5

    4.1  企业偿债能力分析时存在的一般问题 6

    4.2  企业在偿债能力分析时会违背会计持续经营假设产生的问题 6

    4.3  企业在偿债能力分析时方法唯一产生的问题 6

    4.4  企业需用唯一的方式来衡量偿债能力会产生问题 7

    5  改进企业偿债能力分析的建议与对策 7

    结论 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11

    1  引言


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