
    摘 要: 本文首先分析了课题的研究背景。财务报表是一个公司经营情况、财务状况和公司发展趋势的反映。通过对公司财务报表的分析,可以对公司提供的各项信息进行真实性的评估,从而了解公司的财务状况,为相关人员提供参考和决策的依据。本文以宿迁义乌商贸城市场管理公司为研究对象,通过对公司行业背景分析的基础上,分析了公司当前在财务管理方面存在的问题,如财务管理制度不完善、公司风险意识不强等问题。依据财务报表分析的相关理论,运用结构分析法等常用财务分析方法,对公司的营运能力、盈利能力、偿债能力以及财务结构合理性等进行了分析。通过分析从中发现宿迁义乌商贸城市场管理公司在经营和管理等方面存在的一些问题,并针对宿迁义乌商贸城市场管理公司存在的这些问题提出相应的对策建议,为财务报表使用者和公司管理人员提供参考。67888


    Abstract: In this paper we firstly analyze the research background. The financial statements reflect a company's operations, financial condition and corporate trends. By analyzing of the company's financial statements we can assess the authenticity of the information provided by the company, and thus understand the financial position of the company, which can provides a basis for reference and decision-making personnel. In this paper, we take Suqian Yiwu International Trade City Market Management Company as the research object, based on the company's industry background analysis, we analyze of the company's current financial management problems, such as financial management system is imperfect, the company's risk awareness is not strong and other issues. We describe some common methods based on the theory of financial analysis financial statement analysis, and analyze the use of structural analysis method, the ability of the company's operations, profitability, solvency and financial structure of rationality. By analyzing find some problems Suqian Yiwu International Trade City Market Management Company in the presence of other business and management, we propose appropriate suggestions for Suqian Yiwu International Trade City Market Management Company of such problems for users of financial statements and company manager reference.

    Keywords: financial statement analysis, financial indicators, strategies

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    文献综述 3

    3  国内财务报表现状分析 4

    3.1  国内财务报表公开的现状 4

    3.2  宿迁义乌商贸城市场管理公司现状 5

    4  宿迁义乌商贸城市场管理公司财务报表分析 6

    4.1  财务报表分析的相关概念及分析方法 6

    4.2  宿迁义乌商贸城市场管理公司财务报表分析 7

    5  宿迁义乌商贸城市场管理公司存在问题 10

    6  宿迁义乌商贸城市场管理公司存在问题的建议 10

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

    1  引言


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