


    Abstract: Capital structure research is a comprehensive, a variety of reasons, all kinds of variable factors of compound collections process. Choose the optimal capital structure, to maximize the value of the company, has become a modern enterprise to realize the reasonable financing and management of the core problem. Qingdao haier group as the most representative of the electrical home appliances manufacturing enterprises in our country, for example, the calculation and analysis of various financial data and financial indicators, understand the situation of the capital structure of the Qingdao haier. On this basis, this article on the comprehensive analysis of the situation of the capital structure optimization, it puts forward some proposals concerning the capital structure optimization, not only can play a reference role to the enterprise's own business decisions, and will bring some revelations for the development of the home appliance industry.

    Keywords: haier group, capital composition, comprehensive analysis

    目 录

    1  引言 3

    2  企业资本结构优化相关理论概述 3

    2.1  资本结构的定义 3

    2.2  资本结构的理论基础 3

    2.3  资本结构的影响因素 4

    3  青岛海尔集团简述 5

    4  青岛海尔集团资本结构存在的问题 5

    4.1  内外部融资结构不合理 5

    4.2  资产负债率水平偏低 6

    4.3  流动负债水平偏高 6

    4.4  非相关多元化经营 7

    5  解决青岛海尔集团资本结构问题的对策 7

    5.1  优化内外部融资结构 7

    5.2  正确利用财务杠杆正效应 8

    5.3  制定切实的财务战略并加强财务控制 8

    5.4  合理安排资本投入 9

    结论 10

    参考文献 11

    致谢 12

    1  引言


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