


     Abstract With the increasing demand for energy, the disputes and conflicts around the energy become more and more prominent. Looking for new energy alternative to fossil energy, to provide endless power for the future sustainable development of mankind, is a major problem facing mankind at present. Wind energy, as a new non polluting renewable energy, has received more and more attention from human beings. Offshore wind power generation from the shallow sea to the deep sea is an inevitable trend in the development of floating type. Over the past year. With the continuous expansion of the area of Nansha Niijima, Cuntucunjin the island must ensure for living and electrical equipment with electrical, otherwise this artificial reefs no existence value, personnel can not comfortable living, readiness facility cannot use the most deadly. Protect the islands in the South China Sea and artificial reefs in the normal use of electricity, the offshore wind turbine service life is prolonged, has become the urgent need to solve the problem, for new deep-sea intelligent vibration of floating wind machine that bear on its hydrodynamic and aerodynamic dual alternating load, in its whole life cycle fatigue load cycles and is high, and its structure is flexible, working environment is bad, in extreme sea conditions dynamic response is very big, and its support structure vibration is particularly evident, easily induced fatigue failure. Therefore, it is needed to pay special attention to the vibration control technology of fan platform..

    Keywords: Energy; deep sea; structure; intelligence


    第一章 绪论 - 1 -

    1.1项目研究背景 - 1 -

    1.2项目研究意义 - 1 -

    1.3项目研究现状 - 2 -

    1.4项目研究内容 - 2 -

    1.5项目的创新点 - 3 -

    第二章  海上风机概述及基本理论 - 4 -

    2.1引言 - 4 -

    2.2基础结构分析 - 4 -

    2.2.1单桩式基础结构 - 4 -

    2.2.2导管架基础结构 - 5 -

    2.2.3漂浮式基础结构 - 5 -

    2.3 基于IEC规范的环境载荷

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