    Phytochelatins in wheat response to arsenic stress and its measurements
    Abstract:Arsenic is the main pollutant in the environment, the accumulation of arsenic in food is rising,
    plant pheromone is one of the most effective detoxification substances in plants, such mercapto compounds
    can combine with toxic elements complex to detoxify.The content of the phytochelatins is generally
    determined by liquid chromatography. In this experiment, the plant cotrimins standard material was used to
    detect the separation effect of various compounds in the samples and changing the various test conditions.
    The accuracy of the method was determined by the different experimental conditions of the sample
    extraction stage and the derivatization stage. The concentration of TCEP in the extraction quality and
    derivatization process had an important effect on the accuracy of the experiment. The calibration was
    carried out. The optimum experimental conditions (0.3g-tcep50mmol / L) were determined. The results
    showed that the contents of PC2 and PC3 in root system of wheat were significantly increased under
    arsenic stress, seedling stage, tillering stage and jointing stage.  
    Key words: arsenic;phytochelidin;UPLC;Recovery rate; Wheat
    摘要  1
    关键词  1
    Abstract  1
    Key words   1
    引⾔  1
    1 材料与⽅法   2
    1.1标准液的配制 2
    1. 2苗期⼩麦的培养与处理    2
    1.3 ⼩麦长期溶液培养    2
    1.4 植物组织中 PCs 的提取及其柱前衍⽣化反应  . 2
    1.5 样品提取条件优化     3
    1.6 加标回收试验     3
    1.7试验结果的收集和处理  3
    2  结果与分析   3
    2.1 标准曲线的制作 3
    2.2 不同试验条件对不同-SH化合物分离结果的影响   4
    2.3 加标回收率的测定  8
    2.4 植物络合素对于植物砷胁迫的响应  8
    3  讨论9
    3.1 提取质量和TCEP浓度对UPLC测定的影响  9
    3.2加标回收试验验证最优实验条件  10
    3.3 其他实验条件对试验结果的影响 10
    3.4 植物络合素对于植物砷胁迫的响应 10
    致谢.  10
    参考⽂献.  10引⾔   砷是⼟壤中主要污染物之⼀。在污染的⼟壤上⽣长的粮⾷作物中砷的积累量较⾼,已经威胁到⼈类健康。植物络合素(phytochelatins PCs)是植物体内重要的重⾦属结合多肽,根系中的PCs可与重⾦属结合从⽽减少重⾦属向地上部的转运。植物络合素(phytochelatins, PCs)⼴泛分布于植物界,它是植物响应重⾦属胁迫时细胞质中合成的⼀类低分⼦多肽,其化学结构为(γ-Glu-Cys)n-Gly(n常为2-5),富含巯基[1],其分⼦量⼀般为1.5-4.0 KD。PCs⼴泛分布于植物、藻类及真菌中PCs⾸次是从粟酒裂殖酵母
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