    Effects of Trichloroacetic Acid on the Photosynthate Export from  the Subtending Leaf of Ball
    Abstract: Cotton is a unified organism, and it is hard to study the effect of high temperature on the ability to source and library separately. Therefore, figuring out a technique which uses chemical reagent to block petioles has great significance in the study of cotton resistance to high temperature. This study is conducted in the research site of Nanjing Agricultural University in 2016. We choose trichloroacetic acid as a blocker and set different concentrations.Then we smear it on petioles at 9 am and 6 pm respectively. After observing and measuring the sample,we determine the optimum concentration and the best processing time. Then we block the phloem of subtending leaf of cotton balls which are 15 days after flowering under the optimal condition. By analyzing the changes of sugar content, we clear the blocking effect under the condition. The data shows that treating with 15% TCA around 6 pm is best. After blocking, the soluble sugar content of the subtending leaf significantly increased and the daily changing range decreased dramaticlly. According to the test results, trichloroacetic acid block the photosynthate export from the subtending leaf of ball effectively,and it can be applied in the study of cotton resistance to high temperature.
    Key words: subtending leaf of cotton boll;trichloroacetic acid;optimal concentration;the best processing time;photosynthate export
    目  录

    Key words1
    1 材料与方法2
    1.1 试验设计 2
    1.2 测定内容及方法 3
    1.2.1 净光合速率和SPAD值的测定3
    1.2.2 棉铃对位叶中蔗糖和淀粉含量的测定3
    1.2.3 13C丰度的测定3
    1.2.4 数据处理与分析3
    2 结果与分析3
    2.1 阻断效果随阻断处理时长的变化3
    2.2 最佳处理时机的确定4
    2.3 三氯乙酸对棉铃对位叶糖代谢的影响5
    2.3.1 三氯乙酸对棉铃对位叶外观的影响5
    2.3.2 三氯乙酸对棉铃对位叶蔗糖含量的影响6
    2.3.3 三氯乙酸对棉铃对位叶淀粉含量的影响6
    2.3.4 三氯乙酸对棉铃对位叶糖代谢的影响7
    2.4 韧皮部阻断处理的阻断效率8
    2.4.1 叶片淀粉含量日变化表征阻断效率8
    2.4.2 运用同位素标记表征阻断效率8
    3 讨论9
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