    The Study of Basic Mode and Effectiveness of Junior High School Biology Classroom Questioning of Zhoukou City
    AbstractClassroom questioning is the most common teaching method , proper questioning in class not only can consolidate knowledge, arouse students studying interest, inspire students thinking, develop the students’ mental ability and oral communication skills, promote students cognition structure, but also gall use the dialog between teacher and student, student and student to find out and solve the problems creatively. In order to understanding questioning’s basic mode of junior high school biology classroom. I survey some junior high school biology classrooms of zhoukou city through individual interview and questionnaire research method, according to the results: 92.5% teachers often use one questioning model , that teacher ask and students answer, only7.5% teachers use another questioning mode, that students ask teacher or students ask each other. Clearly, the first model is used mainly in junior high school biology classroom of zhoukou city. On the basis of this research, I advance a new model of classroom questioning and some strategies of optimizing classroom questioning, which could used to improve the teaching effect of junior high school biology classroom.
    Key words: Zhoukou city; Classroom questioning; Basic mode; Effective questioning
    1 问题的提出
        在现代生物教学中,教师经常在授课过程中,本文来自751/文(论"文?网,毕业论文 www.751com.cn采用提问的方式,以达到启发、诱导、强调的作用,所以课堂提问是非常普遍、重要的教学行为
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