    Effects of nitrogen fertilizer on the distribution of mineral elements of rice plants and their physiological mechanisms
    Abstract: Mineral elements on the growth and development of rice and rice quality has important influence. Mineral content in rice is related to human health. Nitrogen has an important effect on rice mineral elements absorption, transport and accumulation in grains. This study to explore the physiological mechanism of mineral elements accumulation and distribution of rice affected by nitrogen fertilizer by using field experiment of 20 live plant species in Jiangsu. The results showed that: (1) In terms of absorbing the elements:the absorption of elements such as N, K, Ca, Mn is promoted, however, the absorption of elements such as P, Mg, Fe, Zn and Cu is inhibited.(2) In the three main element transport: The N, P , K transported from the nutrient organs to spikes and panicle nutrient showed a increasing trend as the nitrogen rate increased. The transfer rate is N > P > K and the transfer rate of the blades is always greater than the transfer rate of the stem sheath.(3) In the accumulation of elements: The increase of nitrogen fertilizer increased the accumulation of various nutrient elements in rice plants, but decreases the harvest index of each element.(4) In terms of the distribution of the organs in mature stage: The three elements of N, P, and Mg are mainly assigned to seed grains. The elements of K, Ca, Fe, Mn and Cu are mainly distributed in the stems and leaves. The Zn elements in mature stage mainly in the stems and seeds.
    Key words: Rice;Nitrogen fertilizer;Mineral element;Accumulation;Translocation;Distribution
    目  录

    摘要    3
    关键词    3
    Abstract    3
    Key words    4
    引言    4
    材料与方法    5
    1.1  材料    5
    1.2  方法    5
    1.2.1  种植方法与试验处理    5
    1.2.2  取样制备    5
    1.2.3  测定指标与方法    5
    1.2.4  数据统计与分析    5
    2  结果分析    5
    2.1  氮素对稻米矿质元素组成的影响及基因型差异    5
    2.2  氮素对叶片及茎鞘氮、磷、钾的转运的影响    7
    2.3  氮素处理对水稻齐穗、成熟期各元素积累的影响    7
    2.4  水稻成熟期植株各器官矿质营养元素的分配    8
    3  讨论    10
    致谢    11
    参考文献    11
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