    Research on bio-economic model of Tilapia
    Abstract:In recent years,the consumption of tilapia in the world is on the rise.It is one of the most important cultured fish in the world, and it is also the first global aquaculture species.Over the past few years,it has been affected by natural disasters,frequent diseases,rising production costs and other factors. Chinese tilapia breeding profits decreased and production risk increased.Therefore,it is of great significance to study the economic benefits of tilapia pond farming and its influencing factors to ensure the healthy, stable and sustainable development of tilapia industry.In this study, the study of tilapia bio-economic model was designed to provide a theoretical basis for the prediction of tilapia aquaculture production and the formulation of management strategy.In this paper, we construct the biological economic model,which consists of biological, economic and technological submodels,which explain the interaction between different submodels.The model provides reliable information on breeding costs,feed conversion rate,feed volume, etc. in the culture cycle.There are six kinds of conditions,two kinds of stocking sizes,three kinds of stocking densities, and decided to maximize the profits of each case,by fish best harvest time and sizes. The results showed that at week 14, the GIFT reached the highest point of weight gain, after which the weight gain was reduced and the feed conversion rate was changed from low to high.So as to obtain the largest economic benefit of the experimental group.
    Key words: tilapia;bioeconomic model;economic benefit;submodel
    目  录
    Key words1
    1 生物经济模型研究2
    1.1 生物经济模型的含义2
    1.2 生物经济模型在水产养殖中的研究现状3
    1.2.1 生物经济模型在水产养殖中的研究进展3
    1.2.2 生物经济模型在水产养殖中的问题4
    2 罗非鱼生物学经济模型研究5
    2.1 材料与方法5
    2.1.1 试验用鱼5
    2.1.2 试验池塘5
    2.2 试验方法5
    2.2.1 密度设置5
    2.2.2 饲喂5
    2.2.3 数据测量5
    2.3 模型构建5
    2.3.1 生物子模型5
    2.3.2 技术子模型6
    2.3.3 经济子模型6
    3 结果与分析7
    3.1 模型拟合结果评价7
    3.1.1 生物子模型7
    3.1.2 技术子模型9
    3.1.3 经济子模型10
    3.2 模型最优组合分析10
    4 总结与建议10
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