    Analysis of plant community a section Yunlong mountain in Xuzhou City
    Abstract: This paper uses the method of analysis of field sampling and indoor combination of Yunlong mountain in Xuzhou City, a section of mountain area is not transformation of plant community in the area of plant species, plant configuration and growth status of the investigation and analysis, and according to the conditions of the existing vegetation section mountain, put forward the corresponding suggestion. The analysis results shows: from plant growth situation, reform area and non transforming region of the plant is grown mostly in good condition; from the composition of species,the transformation zone than the unimproved species are more abundant, the species richness and species persity is higher in the hierarchy; from the species composition of view, the transformation zone of underground space rich, has the sense of hierarchy, the unmodified area under forest spatial thin;from the disposition of plants, plant configuration of the transformation zone is complex and perse, with plant ecological configuration principle, the unmodified area plant configuration form is unitary; from the choice of tree species, the transformation zone selection of more exotic species, native species are more without the transformation zone; from the aesthetic perspective, the transformation zone of the plant color, autumn leaf trees are more, the unmodified area of plant color with green, monotonous.
    Key words:Yunlong Mountain;Plant community;Survey;Xuzhou City
    引言    1
    1 研究概况、研究内容和方法    1
    1.1研究区概况    1
    1.2研究内容和方法    2
    1.2.1 研究内容    2
    1.2.2 研究方法    2
    2 结果与分析    3
    2.1植物种类    4
    2.1.1乔木    4常绿针叶乔木    5常绿阔叶乔木    5落叶阔叶乔木    5
    2.1.2灌木    6常绿灌木    6半常绿灌木    6落叶灌木    6
    2.1.3竹类植物    7
    2.1.4草本植物    7
    2.1.5小结    8
    2.2 植物配置    8
    2.2.1 一节山北门入口处植物配置    8
    2.2.2 云龙山广场区的植物配置    9
    2.2.3 山路两旁植物配置    10
    2.2.4 密林处的植物配置    11
    2.2.5小结    12
    3 建议    13
    3.1 继续开展调查,摸清植物资源现状    13
    3.2 在侧柏林下栽植耐阴植物    13
    3.3 加强对树木的养护管理    13
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