    Effects of Mushroom residue cover on soil
    Absract:Mushroom residue is a kind of organic solid waste which is left after cultivating all kinds of edible fungus and is decomposed by microorganism.Discarded, not only causing bacteria accumulation and cultivation environment deterioration,but also making the appearance of continuous cropping obstacle of edible fungus production, and by the sun and rain,the water ecological environment produced serious pollution.Through studying the influence of mushroom residue mulch on soil pHysical-chemical property and soil improvement.This topic analyses the main  ecological effect when mushroom residue is as a mulch.By the analyses provide theoretical basis and technical support for reusing of mushroom residue and organic mulching.The experiment measured the pH,EC,Oganic Matter,Hydrodyable N,Available P,Available K,Total N,Total P and Total K for the 10 cm and 20 cm soil in four consecutive years under the mushroom residue cover,in addition,comparison and  system analysis the data.The results show that mushroom residue as soil mulch can effectively improve the pH,EC,Oganic Matter,Hydrodyable N,Available P,Available K,Total N,Total P and Total K content of the soil.And the pH,EC,Oganic Matter ,Hydrodyable N,Available P,Available K,Total N,Total P and Total K content of the soil generally increase with the increase of mushroom residue cover thickness.Comparison of the four years under the same processing data,the longer mushroom residue cover in the soil,the higher of pH,Ognic Matter content and Total N content,the lower of EC,Hydrodyable N,Available P,Available K,Total P and Total K content.
    Keywords:Mushroom residue;Cover;Soil;pHysical-chemical Properties;Improvement
    摘要    i
    Absract    i
    目录    iii
    1  绪论    1
      1.1  研究背景    1
    1.2  国内外研究现状    2
    1.3  研究目的和意义    3
    2  实验材料与方法    3
    2.1  覆盖材料    3
    2.2  实验主要仪器与试剂    3
    2.2.1  主要仪器    3
    2.2.2试剂    3
    2.3  实验总体方法设计    4
    2.3.1  试验地处理    4
    2.3.2  土壤样品处理    4
    2.4  土壤理化性质指标具体测量方法    4
    2.4.1  土壤pH、EC值的测量    4
    2.4.2  土壤有机质含量的测定    4
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