
    摘要:在华东地区,青贮玉米因土壤、气候条件的不适宜,产量和质量受到很大影响,而甜高粱因适应性强、抗逆性强的优势使其能够替代玉米,用作该地区的青贮饲料作物。根据前人研究,种植密度对甜高粱的高产和稳产有重要的影响。本试验采用田间试验的方法,设置了25.0万株/hm2 、33.3万株/hm2 和50.0万株/hm2三个种植密度,比较研究了密度对甜高粱产量及品质的影响,以确定其在华东地区适宜的种植密度。结果表明:当种植密度达到50.0万株/hm2时,产量最高,但甜高粱株高、茎粗、叶片数、叶面积等农艺性状均较低,且营养品质较差;种植密度为 25.0万株/hm2时,单株鲜、干重最大,但因植株群体较小,产量太低;种植密度为33.3万株/hm2时甜高粱的可溶性糖含量最高,营养价值高,水分含量适宜,抗逆性方面表现较好,产量也较高。综合分析,在华东地区甜高粱的最适宜密度是33.3万株/hm2。43587


    Effects of Planting Density on the Forage Yield and Quality in Sweet Sorghum 

    Abstract:In the eastern China, forage yield and nutrient quality of silage corn has been greatly limited because where soil and climatic conditions are not suitable for growing corn. But sweet sorghum can replace corn and be used as silage in this area because of its strong adaptability and resistance .According to previous studies, planting density has an great influence on growth and forage yield of sweet sorghum. So a field experiment was designed with 250-thousand plants /ha, 333-thousand plants /ha and 500- thousand plants /ha to study the effects of planting density on forage yield and quality of sweet sorghum, in order to determine the suitable planting density in the eastern China. The results showed that the highest forage yield was observed in 500- thousand plants /ha plot, but the plant height, stem diameter, leaf number, leaf area and other traits were lower. And the forage nutrition quality was poor; At planting density of 250-thousand plants /ha, fresh and dry weight per plant was the biggest, but the plant population was small, then forage yield was low too. In planting density of 333-thousand plants /ha the plant height was highest ,and the content of soluble sugar, nutrition value were high, and stress resistance performance was good, then the forage yield was highest.The results suggested that that the optimum planting density of sweet sorghum was 333- thousand plants/ha in the east of China .

    Key words: Planting density; sweet sorghum; forage yield; nutrient quality

    目  录

    摘要 1

    关键词: 1

    Abstract 1

    Key words 1

    材料与方法 2

    1.1  试验区基本概况 2

    1.2  试验设计 2

    1.2.1  品种 2

    1.2.2  小区管理 2

    1.3  测定项目及方法 2

    1.3.1  株高、茎粗、叶片数、叶面积的测定 2

    1.3.2  茎叶比、单株含水量、单株干重、单位面积总干重测定 3

    1.3.3  营养物质的测定 3

    1.3.4  生物产量、茎秆产量的测定 3

    1.4  数据处理与分析 3

    2  结果与分析

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