
    摘要浮游动物是淡水生态系统中的重要组成部分,也起到了重要的作用,它的分布受到捕食、水生植物、水温、食物等影响。在2013年7月至2014年4月期间,对浙江省太湖流域的浮游甲壳动物进行采样调查,在四条水系的33个采样断面中,经鉴定共采集到浮游甲壳动物12科22属36种,其中桡足类(Copepoda)2目6科11属19种;枝角类(Cladocera)1目6科11属17种,京杭运河的丰度与生物量最高,其次是东苕溪水系、合溪水系、西苕溪水系,它们的年平均丰度分别为:最高为京杭运河水系(12.471 ind/L),东苕溪水系 (11.187 ind/L),合溪水系(11.740ind/L),西苕溪水系(0.433ind/L)。它们的年平均生物量分别为:最高的为京杭运河水系(20.162 mg/L),其次为东苕溪水系(17.836mg/L),合溪溪水系(14.203 mg/L),最低的为西苕溪水系(0.0069 mg/L)。浮游甲壳动物的平均丰度和平均生物量按季节来分析:春季最高(4月),其次为夏季(7月),再次为秋季(10月),最低为冬季(1月)。浮游甲壳动物的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数在0.144~233,初步评价浙江省太湖流域的水质处于重度-中度污染状态。43929


    The crustacean is an important component of aquatic ecosystem,The distribution of Crustacean mostly influenced by predation,macrophytes,water temperature and food etc. During the period of July 2013 to Apri 2014 ,sampling investigation of Taihu basin in Zhejiang province of planktonic crustacean. in 33 sections of four rivers,Totally the identification of planktonic crustacean animal were collected 12 families and 22 genera and 36 species. the Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, the abundance and biomass was the highest. ollowed by the East Tiaoxi River, Hexi river West tiaoxi River, The annual average abundance of them were: the highest is the Beijing Hangzhou canal (12.471 ind/L), the East Tiaoxi River (11.187 ind/L) Hexi river(11.740ind/L), West tiaoxi River (0.433ind/L). The average biomass of them were the highest for the Beijing Hangzhou canal (20.162 mg/L), followed by the East Tiaoxi River (17.836mg/L), and Hexi river (14.203 mg/L), the lowest for West tiaoxi River (0.0069 mg/L).The average abundance of crustacean zooplankton biomass analysis according to the season: the highest in spring (April), followed by summer (July), autumn (October), again for the lowest in winter (January). Planktonic crustacean persity index of Shannon-Wiener in 0.144~233, preliminary evaluation of water quality of Taihu River Basin in Zhejiang province is severe to moderate pollution.


    Keywords: Taihu basin; Crustacean; Temporal and spatial distribution; Seasonal variation

    目   录 4

    1 前言 5

    1.1 研究的背景与意义 5

    1.2 浮游甲壳动物 6

    1.2.1浮游甲壳动物的分类 6

    1.2.2浮游甲壳动物的特点 6

    1.2.3太湖浮游甲壳动物研究的现状 6

    2 材料与方法 7

    2.1样点的布设 7

    2.2样本的采集与处理 7

    2.3数据分析 7

    2.3.1测量与计算 7

    2.3.2分析方法 8

    3结果与分析 9

    3.1 浮游甲壳动物的物种组成 9


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