


    In October, July 2013 and April, January 2014,we investigated and studyed on the temporal and spatial dynamics of the community structure of the community of the Zhejiang River Basin and water quality in Taihu River Basin,and the main physical and chemical factors of the river basin were investigated and analyzed. Physical and chemical indexes, population quantity, dominant population, persity index analysis, functional groups, pollution indicator species and so on were used to evaluate the species composition. The water quality status of different river systems in different seasons was compared. There were 100 species of protozoa, including 45 flagellatas, 39ciliatas and 16 sarcodinas. The pollution indicator species and the persity index of Margalef indicated that the water quality was moderately polluted. And the results showed that the order of the degree of contamination of river basin is JingHang River>HeXi River> East Tiaoxi River> West Tiaoxi River. And JingHang River due to the impact of industrial and domestic waste water has a significant impact on the protozoan community structure and water quality.

    毕业论文关键词:太湖流域浙江境内; 原生动物; 群落结构; 水质评价

    Keyword: Taihu Lake basin in Zhejiang Province;Protozoa;Community;Water Quality Evaluation

    目    录

    引言 4

    1材料与方法 4

    1.1采样点设置 4

    1.2样品采集 5

    1.3样品处理及鉴定计数 5

    1.4数据处理 5

    1.5水体理化指标分析 6

    2结果与分析 6

    2.1太湖流域浙江境内原生动物种类组成季节变化 6

    2.2太湖流域浙江境内原生动物丰度和生物量变化 9

    2.2.1原生动物丰度的差异及季节变化 9

    2.2.2原生动物生物量的差异及季节变化 10

    2.3太湖流域浙江境内原生动物群落多样性分析 10

    2.4太湖流域浙江境内原生动物功能类群及污染指示 12

    2.4.1原生动物功能类群划分 12

    2.4.2原生动物污染指示分布 13

    2.5太湖流域浙江境内水质理化指标及与原生动物相关性分析 14

    3讨论 15

    3.1太湖流域浙江境内原生动物组成特点 15


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