
    摘要:本研究探讨了异紫葳新甙II在不同体外实验中对自由基清除能力以及它在保护培养的白鼠PC12细胞免受过氧化氢引发的氧化应激和凋亡中所起的作用。结果表明,浓度为0.1 mg/ml 时,异紫葳新甙II去除约80.75%的超氧自由基,浓度为8 mg/ml 时,抑制了22.07%的金属络合。此外,异紫葳新甙II在还原能力和阻止自由基引发的氧化性蛋白损伤方面显示出较强的能力。在过氧化氢氧化前,用异紫葳新甙II预处理的PC12细胞提高了细胞的活力,增强了超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶的活性,同时减少了细胞内活性氧的浓度水平。这些发现表明,异紫葳新甙II可以作为一种潜在的抗氧化剂,并且应将它用于神经退行性疾病的进一步研究中。57411

    毕业论文关键词:毛泡桐,异紫葳新甙II ,PC12细胞,氧化应激,神经退行性疾病

    Abstract:. This study was designed to explore free radical scavenging potential of  Isocampneoside II in different in vitro systems and its protective role in hydrogen peroxide (H2O2)-induced oxidative stress and apoptotic death in cultured rat pheochromocytoma (PC12) cells. The results showed ICD eliminated approximately 80.75% superoxide radical at the concentration of 0.1 mg/ml and inhibited metal chelating by 22.07% at 8 mg/ml. Additionally, ICD showed a strong ability on reducing power and provided protection against oxidative protein damage induced by hydroxyl radicals. Pretreatment of PC12 cells with ICD prior to H2O2 exposure elevated cell viability, enhanced activity of superoxide dismutase and catalase, and decreased levels of malondialdehyde and intracellular ROS. Furthermore, ICD inhibited cell apoptosis and Bax/Bcl-2 ratio induced by H2O2. These findings suggested ICD may be considered as a potential antioxidant agent and should encourage for further research in neurodegenerative diseases.

    Key words:Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.)Steud,Isocampneoside II ,PC12 cells ,Oxidative stress ,neurodegenerative diseases


    1文献综述 4

    1.1毛泡桐简介 4

    1.2毛泡桐的药理功能 5

    1.2.1抗菌作用 5

    1.2.2消炎作用 5

    1.2.3抗肿瘤作用 6

    1.2.4杀虫作用及其他 6

    1.3自由基 7

    1.3.1自由基简介 7

    1.3.2氧化应激及其伤害 7

    1.3.3自由基清除 9

    1.4 PC12细胞简介 9

    2材料与方法 10

    2.1试验材料 10

    2.1.1试验试剂 10

    2.1.2主要仪器设备 11

    2.2试验方法 12

    2.2.1 还原能力测定 12

    2.2.2超氧自由基清除测定 12

    2.2.3金属络合活性 12

    2.2.4保护蛋白损伤实验 12

    2.2.5细胞系和细胞培养 12

    2.2.6 细胞活性测定 13

    3 数据分析与结果讨论 13

    3.1数据分析 13

    3.1.1 自由基清除活性和对抗蛋白质氧化的保护能力 13


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