


     Abstract:With the development of modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, the use of microbial fermentation of Chinese medicine is expected to become a powerful tool in the field of traditional Chinese medicine using.The fungus has many special, such as multiple secondary metabolites, more variety, and relatively simple culture conditions, etc., so is the main function of bacterial fermentation medicineThe experimental use of medicinal fungi(Ganoderma En2 and Schizophyllum DS1) on six kinds of glycoside compounds(Rutin, baicalein, laetrile, hesperidin and quercetin) for biotransformation, the researchers detected and analyzed the conversion resultsThrough the analysis we can conclude that, En2 significant transformation effect for rutin, quercetin and baicalein; DS1 significant transformation effect for Scutellaria hormone, licorice acid and quercetin. For laetrile and hesperidin, DS1 significant transformation ineffect. For rutin, baicalein and quercetin, the process of feeding the two fungi transforming effect is more obvious for the inoculation of glycyrrhizin in feed conversion effect before DS1 more obvious.Prospect, we can use the sample for further testing, and the new material may be separated and purified, the physicochemical properties of the samples and detection of pharmacology of the samples, we can get new drugs.

    Keywords:Ganoderma Lucidum, Schizophyllum commune, glucoside compound, ultraviolet spectrophotometry, biotransformation

    目  录

    1. 前 言 5

    1.1 生物转化 5

    1.2 药用真菌简介 5

    1.3 几种糖苷型化合物简介 6

    1.4本论文技术路线 7

    2. 材料与方法 8

    2.1 材料 8

    2.1.1 药品与试剂 8

    2.1.2 菌种 8

    2.1.3 仪器 8

    2.2 方法 8

    2.2.1 菌种的培养 8

    2.2.2 药品的生物转化及取样 8

    2.2.3 样品UV图谱扫描 9

    3. 结果与讨论 10

    3.1 芦丁生物转化结果及分析 10

    3.1.1 接种前投料结果分析 10

    3.1.2 过程中投料结果分析 11

    3.1.3 接种前投料与过程中投料对比分析 12

    3.2 黄芩素转化结果分析探究

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