
    摘  要:水中微生物种类和数量是衡量水卫生质量的重要指标之一。但对水中的微生物不能一一检测,目前我国采用大肠菌落作为水质粪便污染的指示菌[1],可以指示水质是否受到污染以及预估污染程度。我国GB5749-2006《生活饮用水卫生标准》[2]中规定,生活饮用水中大肠菌群每升不得超过3个,细菌总数每毫升不得超过100个。本实验水样分别取自某高邮鸭养殖基地附近水域,高邮湖边某化工厂排污管道附近水域和高邮湖边村民居住区附近水域。采用平皿计数法来测定菌落总数,多管发酵法来测定总大肠菌群数。经实验证实,三个地点的菌落总数和总大肠菌群数均超过国家标准。通过对水中菌落总数和总大肠菌群的检测,能够准确预报水体污染趋向,对水质出合理评估。57573


    Abstract :The microbial species and quantity of water is an important indicator of water quality. But detection of all microorganisms is not realistic. At present, using E. colony as coliform indicator bacteria of fecal contamination which can indicate the pollution degree of the water. GB_5749-2006 "Standards for Drinking Water Quality" stipulates coliforms per liter in drinking water should not exceed 3 and the total number of bacteria may not be more than 100 per milliliter. The experimental samples were taken from the waters near a Gaoyou duck breeding base, the waters near the sewage pipes in a chemical plant in the vicinity of the Gaoyou Lake and villagers living area near Gaoyou lake waters. We use the method of plate count method to determine the total number of bacteria and the method of multi-tube zymolytic method to determine the coliform group. The tests proved that the total number of colonies and the number of total coliform group of the three places were all exceed the national standard. By the detection of the total number of colonies and the total coliform bacteria, we can accurately forecast the trend of water pollution and assess water quality reasonably. 

    Keywords: water, pollution, detection, E. colony

    目  录

    1 前言 6

    2 材料和仪器 6

    2.1 水样 6

    2.2 仪器 7

    2.3 试剂 7

    2.4 培养基 7

    3 试验方法 8

    3.1 平皿计数法 8

    3.1.1原理 8

    3.1.2 菌落计数方法 8

    3.1.3 步骤 8

    3.2 多管发酵法 9

    3.2.1 实验原理 9

    3.2.2 实验步骤 9

    4 实验结果与分析 10

    4.1菌落总数 10

    4.2 初发酵现象 10

    4.3 平板分离现象 11

    4.4 复发酵实验现象 11

    4.5 分析与建议 11

    4.5.1 分析 11

    4.5.2 建议 12

    5 意义 12

    6 注意事项 12

    参考文献 13

    致  谢 14

    附录A 大肠菌数检索表 15

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