    关键词  稗草 除草剂 敏感差异性 GST
    Title    Study on susceptibility of barnyard grass common in Jiangsu province to herbicides and mechanism of herbicide resistance       
    Barnyard grass (Echinochloa spp.) is one of the major malignant weeds which occur most popularly in paddy rice fields of China. The susceptibility of 5 accessions of Echinochloa to 5 soil-applied herbicides (Propanil,Penoxsulam,Metamifop,Quinclorac, Bispyribac-sodium) was compared by Petri dish method and pot-spraying method respectively. The soil-applied herbicides were applied at 0、0.1X、0.2X、0.4X、0.8X and 1.6X the field rate. According to the inhibition rate of residual number and dry weight of the seedlings, all of 5 accessions collected were sensitive to different herbicides. Among the soil-applied herbicides, the control effect of Penoxsulam,Metamifop and Quinclorac is highest, the control of Propanil is lowest. Meanwhile, GST activities of the barnyard grass of two or three leaf stage for the resistance grass and sensitive barnyard grass by  Quinclorac treatment.The results provided a basis on herbicide sensitivity of Echinochloa accessions and control efficacy of herbicides in paddy rice fields. Meanwhile, It preliminarily explored the differences of Echinochloa populations through the study on susceptibility to herbicides.
    Keywords  barnyard grass   herbicide   susceptibility   GST
    1  引言    1
    1.1  稗草简介及危害    1
    1.2  除草剂的使用及稗草抗性的由来    1
    1.3  试验除草剂介绍及机理研究    2
    1.3.1  敌稗乳油    2
    1.3.2  稻杰    3
    1.3.3  韩秋好    4
    1.3.4  二氯喹啉酸    4
    1.3.5  双草醚    5
    1.4  GST指标    5
    1.5  研究方法和目的    6
    1.5.1  敏感差异性检测方法    6
    1.5.2  GST方法    6
    1.5.3  研究目的    7
    材料与方法    7
    2.1  试验材料    7
    2.1.1  供试稗草    7
    2.1.2  供试药剂及配制    7
    2.3  试验方法    9
    2.3.1  稗草苗的培养    9
    2.3.2  敏感差异整株测定法    9
    2.3.3  GST酶活测定方法    10  酶提取方法    10
    3  结果与分析    11
    3.1  供试药剂处理后的稗草表型特征    11
    3.2  供试药剂处理后的各个指标测定    11
    3.3  GST酶活结果    12
    3.4  研究初步结论    13
    4  讨论    14
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