
    摘要: 随着社会的发展,人们生活水平不断提高,餐桌上的水产品种类也越来越多,其中淡水鱼类是最经常食用的水产品。为了对市场上常见的的淡水鱼类有科学、充分的了解和认识,本研究对淮安水产市场上常见的淡水鱼进行了实地调查。通过采集照片等方式,共获得样本17种,隶属于6目13科10属,并对它们的学名、品种、分类地位、习性、特征、时价等各个方面进行系统的介绍和归纳,同时还比较了不同市场上出售的这些品种所存在的差异。本研究的结果将为人们正确了解和认识常见淡水鱼类提供参考资料,具有较大的现实和应用意义。68414


    Abstract: Along with the development of society and quality of people’s life, there are more and more aquatic products on our tables, especially freshwater fishes. In this study, freshwater fishes on markets of Huaian were investigated in order to fully and scientifically understand and recognize them. Through investigation and photo-taking, a total of 17 freshwater fishes, distributing in 6 orders, 13 families and 10 genera, were collected. The scientific, Latin and common names, as well as classification status, living habits, cultivation conditions and morphologic characters of the 17 species were studied. Results got in this study will be useful references for common people to fully recognize different marine fishes. 

    Keywords: Market, freshwater fish, investigation , classification status

    目  录

    1、前言 6

    2、材料和方法 6

    3、 结果 6

    I、鲤形目Cypriniformes 6

    一:  鲤科Cyprinidae 8

    1、草鱼Grass carp (Ctenopharynodon idellus) 8

    2、青鱼Black Carp(piceus) 8

    3、 赤眼鳟Squaliobarbus curriculus 10

    二、鲢亚科 10

    1、大头鱼(Aristichthys nobilis) 10

    三、鲤亚科 11

    1、鲫鱼Crucian carp 11

    2、 棒花鱼Abbottina rivularis(Basi1ewsky) 13

    四、鲌亚科 14

    1、鳊鱼Parabramis pekinensis[] 14

    五、 鳅科Cobitidae 15

    1、 泥鳅Misgurnus anguillicaudatus (Cantor) 15

    Ⅱ鲈形目 Perciformes 16

    六、鳢科 Channidae 16

    1、乌鳢Snakehead, Snakeheaded Fish  (Channidae) 16

    七、真鲈科 16

    1、鳜鱼(Siniperca chuatsi) 16

    八、攀鲈科(Anabantoidei) 18

    1、斗鱼Belontiidae 18

    Ⅲ、合鳃目Symbranchifores 18

    九、合鳃科Symbranchidae 18

    1、鳝鱼 Ricefield eel (Monopterus albus) 18

    Ⅳ、鲶形目 siluriformes 20

    十、鲶科 20

    1、大口鲶 Silurus soldatovi meridionalis Chen

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