


    Abstract   Rice is one of the most important food and economic crop in China, However, rice leaf yellowing seriously affects the quality and yield of rice. Therefore, the exploring of molecular mechanism of rice leaf color formation in rice is pivotal for photosynthesis. As a marker trait, leaf color mutation has high research value in plant photosynthesis, chloroplast development and genetic breeding. By EMS mutagenesis of indica variety "Shuhui (SH)", we obtained a yellow leaf mutant (yl2), which presented multiple phenotypies, such as yellow leaf, dwarf etc. Compared to the wild type, the yl2 mutant showed a obvious leaf chlorosis and show the growth difference. In addition, the seed development was also affected. The mutant seeds were smaller than that of the wild type under the grain with glume or without glume conditions.Moreover, the contents of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b in the leaves of mutant yl2 were significantly reduced than that of wild type. To clone the YL2 gene, a F2 population was obtained and the ratio of green color and yellow color plants was 3:1. these phenomenon suggest that the trait was determined as a recessive gene. Using the method of map-based cloning, the mutation gene of YL2 was successfully delemined on chromosome 5. Our study lays a foundation for functional analysis of YL2 gene and should be helpful to explore the molecular mechanism of photosynthesis in rice.

      Key words:rice;leaf color mutation;yellow leaf mutant;Map-based Cloning





    1 材料与方法



      1.3 实验方法



         1.3.3 PCR反应和分子标记多态性筛选

         1.3.4 突变基因的分子定位和引物设计


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