
    摘要众所周知,脊椎类动物是当前生物物种的重要组成部分之一,脊椎类动物涵盖范围广,种类多,分布广,生活习性饮食习惯差异大,似乎难以寻找共性。但是我们从含有tas1r1甜味基因的脊椎动物入手,以现有的核苷酸序列库的资源为基础,利用线上翻译体统翻译提取有效氨基酸序列,bioxmsetup26软件修饰,clustalX,mega软件分析构建生物系统发育树。已有的研究和论文显示,部分含有tas1r1基因的动物该味觉基因已经失活【1】。本试验通过搜索目前可用的脊椎动物基因组序列,在本试验中我们研究了48个脊椎类动物(其中哺乳类28个、鱼类12个、两栖类 2个、爬行类3个)分别代表三种不同的食性(食肉,杂食、食草),我们发现tas1rs基因所显示出来的饮食偏好与该脊椎动物的行为一致,我们认为常见的饮食因素极有可能会导致味觉受体的的改变,然而不同的物种系统发育地位能够明显的显示出Tas1rs复杂的进化进程,所以我们在生物系统发育树的支撑下,对其tas1r1甜味基因的失活倾向做了评估,对其失活原因做了推测。69176


    毕业论文关键字:tas1r1  甜味/鲜味受体  饮食偏好  生物系统发育树

    Tas1r1 Umami Gene Inactivation Tendency In Vertebrate And Their Possible Causes


    As we all known, the vertebrate is one of the most important part of the now alive biological species, and vertebrate is famous in covering wide range, variety, wide distribution, large difference of life habit eating habits, and it is seem to be hard to find commonality in them。 But we take the start from containing tas1r1 vertebrates of sweet gene, on the basis of the existing of the nucleotide sequence of library resources, with the help of online translation system extraction of available amino acid sequence, Bioxm 26 software modification, clustalx, synthetic biology mega software system to made up development tree。 Existing research and thesis, according to section contains tas1r1 genes of animals have the sense of taste gene inactivation。 By searching the currently available vertebrate genome sequence (in a total of 46, with28mammals 、12fish 、2amphibians、3reptiles ), we found that dietary preference tas1rs gene displayed in accordance with the behavior of vertebrates。 We speculate that the common dietary factors will likely lead to the change of taste receptor, but different species system development status can clearly show the tas1rs complex evolution process,and in the development of biological systems tree, which under the support of the tas1r1 sweet gene inactivation tell us the tendency of the assessment in vertebrates and the deactivation reason for it。

     Key words: tas1r1  sweet/umami  receptors  food preference  phylogenetic tree


    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    绪论 1

    1 材料与方法 2

    1。1 试验材料 2

    1。2试验步骤 2

    2结果与讨论 4

    2。1系统发育进化树分析 5

    2。2 TAS1R1基因失活原因分析 6

    2。3物种生存特点共性分析 6

    2。4讨论 8

    3 结论 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11

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